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Essential Apple Podcast 68: SuperDuper! We Have David Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software

This week Apple released the iMac Pro, purchased Shazam, updated Final Cut X Pro, Logic Pro and Motion. Patreon reversed course and apologised to users. Disney bought most of Rupert Murdoch’s empire, and the FFC voted to remove the Net Neutrality rules in the US. We are joined by David Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software the makers of the excellent SuperDuper!, and we wonder if Mark can still hold back on the Quo…

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 68: SuperDuper! We Have David Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software

Essential Apple Podcast 67: What the Hell Patreon?

We are now well into December, there is even snow here in Suffolk today so Christmas is “officially sanctioned” and still Mark refrains from breaking out the Quo… Also Patreon did some sort of U turn and say if you aren’t receiving “life changing” amounts of donations they don’t really want your business… Plus Apple TV, SSDs, ARM laptops and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 67: What the Hell Patreon?

Essential Apple Podcast 66: It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Mark’s WhingeCast


Well what a week – terrible security gaffe by Apple, some semi bungled patches to fix it, a problem for some with iOS having a hissy fit over December 2nd for some reason… and well, we are now into December so it’s starting to feel a lot like ChristMaz (geddit) and Mark’s breaking down under the stress of it all…

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 66: It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Mark’s WhingeCast

Essential Apple Podcast 64a: The Tucson Twosome Recut

Something went wrong with the export of the show mangling Curt and Roger in the second half. This is the same show but recut to restore their input – Sorry everyone! If you already listened probably best to start at about 40 minutes in.

This week, while Mark is off in Dublin (quite possibly overindulging in Guiness) Simon hosts the show and is joined by a twosome from Tucson, Arizona. My Mac veterans and members of the Tucson MUG, Roger Harmon and Curt Blanchard to basically talk over the stories that caught our attention this week.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 64a: The Tucson Twosome Recut

Essential Apple Podcast 63: Skylum’s the Limit with Kevin La Rue

This week we are joined by Kevin La Rue of Macphun – now renamed Skylum Software, to talk about Luminar, Macphun photo software,the change to Skylum Software, Dark Castle, Silicon Beach and and as usual any other stuff that cropped up in the world of Apple and tech over the last week or so. It’s quite a long show as Kevin was keen to share with us, so get a brew, settle down and prepare to hear all about things he’s been involved with all the way back to the dawn of the Mac!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 63: Skylum’s the Limit with Kevin La Rue

Setting up ProtonVPN on the free plan on your Mac

There are a lot of VPNs out there and there are a host of “great offers” tempting you to pay for this service or get that subscription. However when it comes to a VPN I beleive you need to know what it is you are getting for your money, or if you aren’t paying, for free.

I personally am a big fan of the TunnelBear. A great service from a company prepared to put its reputation on the line and to offer itself up for inspection. They do a really great free offering too – and if your needs are occasional or light the 1500MB per month you can use on their service free may be perfectly adequate for you. If it is then go get it. You won’t regret it.

What if you want to have more than 1500MB and you don’t want to, or can’t really afford a paid service? Let me introduce you to ProtonVPN. ProtonVPN comes to you courtesy of Proton Technologies AG who also provide the encrypted email service ProtonMail.
ProtonVPN has several levels available from the free level all the way up to the Visionary Account at $24 US pm via the Basic ($4 US pm) and Plus ($8 US pm). With each level adding more benefits and services.

Installing as setting up ProtonVPN isn’t perhaps the most straightforward of jobs, especially for the free account but it is worthwhile (even if you just want to try the service out) and I am going to walk you through the set up.

Continue reading → Setting up ProtonVPN on the free plan on your Mac

Essential Apple Podcast 61: Siim Teller of Wire

This week we are joined by Siim Teller of, to discuss Wire, Open Source, E2EE, and much more. Simon talks about how his MacBook Pro breakdown made him glad he had a CCC clone and how Ubuntu Linux made his old White MacBook Core2Duo usable again. Suffolk Pete also joins us and talks about his part done project to build a Mac Mini Media Server in his cellar and his glass of Chocolate Vanilla Stout from Purple Moose

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 61: Siim Teller of Wire