Essential Apple Podcast 116: “Simply having a wonderful Christmas time…”

This week Apple Music started working on Amazon Echo devices (well if you live in the US anyway). Apple Pay arrived in Germany, and Apple announced a $1 billion investment in Austin, Texas, for a new campus (plus a lot of other US expansion). App developers got some extra analytics from the Mac App Store and Apple backed a move for a US Digital Privacy Law. Meanwhile I am joined by Oliver Breidenbach of Boinx Software and Nick Riley to talk about all that and more as we decide we’re “simply having a wonderful Christmas time…”


Skylum has gifted us 5x of Luminar 2019 and Aurora 2019 to give away! Send an email to mentioning Luminar or Aurora and the phrase I give in the show to enter.
PLUS Listeners of this show can claim $10 off purchases of Luminar and/or Aurora HDR 2019 with discount code EssentialApple (All the 2019 updates will be free. Learn more.)
Also we have a two Licenses for BeLight Live Home 3D to give away… 1x iOS and 1x Mac. Email the show on mentioning Live Home 3D and the phrase I give out in the show.
Winners for both will be announced on the Christmas Party Podcast which is recording on the 23rd December.

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We can now also be found on Spotify, Soundcloud and even YouTube.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 116: “Simply having a wonderful Christmas time…”