Essential Apple Podcast 92: Is the AR Future Here Yet?

Well this week it has a bit of an odd one, quite a few stories but not much of any great import. Rogue Amoeba bemoaned the state of Mac hardware, while John Martellaro thinks the omens are good for new hardware soon. Developer Harley Turan showed us some AR that looked like the sort of real world use we’ve imagined. Apple closed down the lightning port to increase customer security while GrayShift claim to have already bypassed this defence (but then again they would wouldn’t they). Karl Madden (@Claw0101) from the Mac & Forth Show joins me and we discuss all of it and more.
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Apple Maps Data Gets Upgrade. TripAdvisor, reviews surface in Maps data

Apple maps looks like it’s starting to take itself seriously. Previously Yelp was the sole source of reviews and where to go but it’s obvious that Yelp’s popularity has wained recently. If you’re going to be a contender in the maps arena then new partnerships with and Trip advisory make sense.

Continue reading → Apple Maps Data Gets Upgrade. TripAdvisor, reviews surface in Maps data