595 Leather On Black Wrist Strap Reviewed

Just like the wrist strap, this will be a short review…

Some time ago, I decided I needed – well, wanted if truth be told – a new neck strap for my Fujifilm X-T1 to replace the third partly one that I had been using, and while I was perfectly happy with it, I felt something discrete was needed rather than the bright blue model I was using. So I searched online to see what was out there as a possible replacement, and found quite a few small companies that hand make leather straps for all models of cameras. Some, were, to say the least out of this world in quality and price (where a lottery win was needed to fund one strap!) but with further searching, I found the 595 Leather Co, a UK based company that make to order, all kinds of straps and belts at prices that won’t break the bank – I ordered a simple Black leather neck strap.

Continue reading → 595 Leather On Black Wrist Strap Reviewed

Essential Apple Podcast 109: Modern photography, technical excellence & better bagels?!?!

This week Tim Cook said Bloomberg should retract their Chinese Hack story. Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, passed away. Adobe had their Max Conference and announced Photoshop for iPad and more. But Mark and Simon aren’t interested in that stuff! No, we have the highly respected Jeff Carlson with us and we are only interested what he has to say, and the biggest of stories – #Bagelgate and Apple sending out invites to the “There’s more in the making” event scheduled for 30th October.
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We can now also be found on Spotify, Soundcloud and even YouTube.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 109: Modern photography, technical excellence & better bagels?!?!