In a week when ‘Uncle Tim’ talked to Jim Cramer of Mad Money and the Apple Earnings Call showed they’re “doing OK”, the UK’s Government’s secret plans to spy on its own citizens even more got leaked and Microsoft released a strangely schizophrenic Windows 10S platform aimed at low end hardware to combat the Chromebooks teamed with a premium Surface Laptop priced at $999, we take our usual “seamless” wander around the highways and byways of Apple and tech related news while guest Guy Serle from the MyMac Show does his best to derail the proceedings…

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On this week’s show:

  • Battle of the mega bots Suidobashi and MegaBots will both be streaming the fight on their respective YouTube channels. – CNET
  • Microsoft’s event Windows 10S and the Surface Laptop
  • Apple’s Earnings Call – Let’s Talk Apple
  • Apple New Active Lemon Fresh Tissue Wipes.
  • Apple Commission rates – Apple
  • Amazon Prime hopefully coming to Apple TV
  • Guy’s CBS Rant

Nemo’s Hardware Store (39m, 40s)

This week’s “App-session” [obsession.. geddit?]

Playing with Loopback and Audio Hijack

Also I got this from somewhere – Vanilla

it’s somewhat like Bartender and it lets you rearrange or hide the icons on the right hand side of your menubar. It is free to use and only £3.20 to unlock the “Pro” version with a few more options (although Bartender costs about £12 it does more things) I have used it to put Spotlight, Siri, Fast User Switching and a bunch of other stuff in the pop out “hidden” section.

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