Essential Apple Podcast 183: A chat inspired by WWDC

Simon, Mark and Jim are joined by the wonderful Kelly Guimont of The Mac Observer to talk about WWDC 2020 and what it all means. In the usual Essential Apple manner we don’t talk about WWDC so much as get into a conversation about a variety of things that WWDC kind of made our addled brains think about…


  • Glenn Fleishman’s Working From Home book is completely FREE and can be downloaded here and now he has also released Take Control of Zoom and Take Control of Slack too.
  • Steve at Geeks Corner has restarted his podcast which is a 5-15 min show of his thoughts on tech. Also keep an eye his site or follow him on Twitter @GeekCorner_uk to watch for regular giveaways.

Why not come and join the Slack community? You can now just click on this Slackroom Link to sign up and join in the chatter!

Slacker @MacJim has a family friendly Flickr group for listeners to share photos because the Darkroom channel in the Slack has become so popular – if you’re interested head over to to the Essential Apple Flickr and request an invitation.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 183: A chat inspired by WWDC

Essential Apple Podcast 85: Investing in the Alien Star World

The Kelly Guimont Show No. 2

It is REALLY late – we are sorry, but Mark is still suffering with his health and although I took over mid-week I had a lot of other things going on…
This week Apple officially killed the Airport products. Intel delayed their next chips (probably meaning a 32GB MacBook Pro isn’t on the cards yet)… Rumours abound about poor iPhone sales, the projected death of Touch 3D, AR/VR headsets and more.
Whether or not we will get to talk about any of that is anyone’s guess as we are joined for a second time by the delightfully piquant Kelly Guimont.
Remember you don’t need a special invite to join our Slack community any more, you can now just click on this Slackroom Link instead!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 85: Investing in the Alien Star World

Essential Apple Podcast Special: The Kelly Guimont Show

On the week where Uncle Tim had an iPhone 8 in his pocket, Accu Weather got caught out, Elon Musk warned us about “autonomous weapons” and a leak that surprised no-one revealed the CIA spy on everyone, including their security “partners”; we are joined by Kelly Guimont of The Mac Observer and App Camp 4 Girls fame, and, well, let’s just say the show notes went out the window and this is what happened instead!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast Special: The Kelly Guimont Show