Essential Apple Podcast 180: May contain Apple…

Part Two of our unstructured conversation with Jeff Gamet. In this part we actually get on to some Apple related matters including iPads, Apple Glasses and more.


  • Glenn Fleishman’s Working From Home book is completely FREE and can be downloaded here and now he has also released Take Control of Zoom too.
  • Steve at Geeks Corner will be having more giveaways in the near future. Keep an eye on the site or follow him on Twitter @GeekCorner_uk
  • Serif have expanded their sale to everything in the Affinity store until June 20th
  • Skylum have a [50% off sale] on Luminar 4 and other products

Why not come and join the Slack community? You can now just click on this Slackroom Link to sign up and join in the chatter!

Slacker @MacJim has a family friendly Flickr group for listeners to share photos because the Darkroom channel in the Slack has become so popular – if you’re interested head over to to the Essential Apple Flickr and request an invitation.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 180: May contain Apple…