Essential Apple Podcast 282: Score one for the UK

Bit late again with this one, sorry – Simon and Nick talk about the MBP M3s and is 8GB RAM enough, is it worth upgrading if you have an earlier M series, and a variety of other stuff (as they always do) including Nick’s NuKi and the UK bonus in ApplePay courtesy of the UK Banking’s Open Banking API.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 282: Score one for the UK

Essential Apple Podcast 280: Come Hell or High Water

Another unexpected hiatus and Simon tells us wome of why that was before he and Nick try to settle down and discuss what they think Apple might have to tell us in the Scary Fast event… except it doesn’t pan out that way and Simon has to do most of the show solo…


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 280: Come Hell or High Water

Essential Apple Podcast 267: What a lot of idle chatter!

So after the zingy star studded relaunch it is back to normal service… Simon and Nick having a good old natter, sure there is some Apple related stuff in here, but a lot of it is just idle chatter! Make of that what you will listeners.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 267: What a lot of idle chatter!