Essential Apple Podcast 207: Not THAT CSI: with Nick Furneaux

This week Nick and I have another guest – this time it is Nick Furneaux of CSI Tech a specialist in investigating crimes involving cryptocurrrency and author of the only book on the subject Investigating Cryptocurrencies. After that we wander off into a bit of reminiscing and after Nick has to leave @spligosh and I ramble on a bit about messaging apps…


  • Glenn Fleishman’s Working From Home book is completely FREE and can be downloaded here and now he has also released Take Control of Zoom Essentials free as well.
  • Steve at Geeks Corner has restarted his podcast which is a 5-15 min show of his thoughts on tech. Also keep an eye on his site or follow him on Twitter @GeekCorner_uk to watch for regular giveaways.

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Slacker @MacJim has a family friendly Flickr group for listeners to share photos because the Darkroom channel in the Slack has become so popular – if you’re interested head over to to the Essential Apple Flickr and request an invitation.

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