Mavericks Is Free

Apple’s Newest OS Mavericks Is Free. Is That A Clever Or Disruptive Move

Mavericks, Apple’s latest operating system has gone live and it’s a FREE download.  Many will agree that was a “holy s***” moment”.  However you look at it, from an Apple fanboy front to an Apple hater this really has made things different in the world of a desktop OS.  But is it a revolutionary move, a disruptive move or Apple’s acknowledging they make enough money from Apps to pay for the development of an OS?

Continue reading → Apple’s Newest OS Mavericks Is Free. Is That A Clever Or Disruptive Move

OS X Mavericks Activity Monitor

OS X Mavericks Activity Monitor. Now with Energy Savings

OS X Mavericks Activity Monitor gets a few new features and tabs, one of them being Energy.  This monitors the energy impact an app will have on your battery life.  Unsurprisingly flash scores a whoppingly high figure when it comes to battery drainage.  Think of this as an almost dummies guide to what’s killing your battery life.

Continue reading → OS X Mavericks Activity Monitor. Now with Energy Savings

OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 6 Now Available

The next preview for OS X Mavericks has arrived. OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 6 is available via Software Update. If you are not yet running a previous version of OS X Mavericks Developer Preview, get a redemption code from the Mac Dev Center to download it from the Mac App Store