Essential Apple Podcast 293: Where goes A.I.?

After a bit of a cock up last week which was completely Simon’s fault (and he’s very very sorry about it) Simon does a solo show because Nick is otherwise engaged… Simon has thoughts on AI after more adventures with generative tools, fun tunes from Suno, some with lyrics by Simon, Copilot generated images (some with AI weirdness) and a whip around some of the news stories…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 293: Where goes A.I.?

iphone 5 scratch test

Scratchgate : Why Is Everyone Trying to Destroy an iPhone 5 These Days?

Scratch tests, drop tests, hammer tests, running the iPhone 5 over with a car,  it just amazes me the lengths that the internets will go to just to see how “easy” it is to scratch or damage the new iPhone.  I’m all for comparative tests but why do we never see a batch of real-world tests? Why isn’t anyone recording an afternoon of pulling their new iPhone in and out of their pockets with some keys in there?  Or recording that accidental moment when you put your iPhone into a pocket full of loose change.  How about a test of getting into your car and the phone is in your ass cheek pocket?

Continue reading → Scratchgate : Why Is Everyone Trying to Destroy an iPhone 5 These Days?

Is there really a need for an iPad mini? Are 7″ tablets over-rated?

ipad mini editorial Is there really a need for an iPad mini? Are 7 tablets over rated?

After reading “David Chartier wonders why the 7-inch product category even exists” it got me to thinking about a few iPad things.

With the original iPad being released in 2010, why is it now “obvious” that the tablet segment needs a smaller form factor? 2 long years have passed since Apple undoubtably created something that shook the market up. Ok so Apple doesn’t create new products but they create desire, taking parts and processes from existing lines and bringing them together in a fashions that had yet to be realised but seem obvious when done so.  At the very least you can argue that Apple creates products that define a generation or at least inspire companies to copy their lead.

Continue reading → Is there really a need for an iPad mini? Are 7″ tablets over-rated?