Essential Apple Podcast 299: Pre WWDC

WWDC is tomorrow, so Simon does a quick solo show with his pre show thoughts. Also Nemo is back to review a couple of portable Bluetooth speakers he crowns as his “best ever” so if nothing else listen for that!!!


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 299: Pre WWDC

Essential Apple Podcast 298: Duck Down!

Nick visits Everything Electric, the Duck is downed, Apple buys all the 2nm, explains (sort of) what went wrong with the “deleted” photos, ICQ is shutting down, and a 1994 PowerBook rises from the grave… All this and more on this week’s Essential Apple!


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 298: Duck Down!

Essential Apple Podcast 297: iPads and other things

Another week, another show, and Simon and Nick consider do iPad Pros need to do more? Should Apple perhaps differentiate the Pros with their own OS? Also Apple announce a slew of new accessibility features, and are sorry that the “Crush” ad upset some people…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 297: iPads and other things

Essential Apple Podcast 296: Yeah – M4 Baby!

So Apple had an event… and unsurprisingly it was about iPads, and how! Also the rumoured M4 arrived (in a bit of a change of habit for Apple and how they usually do these things). Nick and Simon take a look at what was what, and have their tuppence worth of say (that’s 2c to those of you who don’t understand “old money” LSD, that’s Pounds, Shillings and Pence people, not an hallucinogenic).


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 296: Yeah – M4 Baby!

Essential Apple Podcast 295: TikTok is on the Clock

Late again, really must do better – but this is what we thought might come out of the Let Loose event which was due in a couple of days when we recorded this, and as ever plenty of other stuff from down the rabbit warren…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 295: TikTok is on the Clock

Essential Apple Podcast 294: New iPads incoming?

Yes this one is obscenely late and Simon can only plead “life events” sorry! Simon and Nick meander around a variety of stories, and some of them even have to do with Apple and the news stories when this was recorded…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 294: New iPads incoming?

Essential Apple Podcast 293: Where goes A.I.?

After a bit of a cock up last week which was completely Simon’s fault (and he’s very very sorry about it) Simon does a solo show because Nick is otherwise engaged… Simon has thoughts on AI after more adventures with generative tools, fun tunes from Suno, some with lyrics by Simon, Copilot generated images (some with AI weirdness) and a whip around some of the news stories…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK simply visit

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 293: Where goes A.I.?

Essential Apple Podcast 292: AI image search with CYME

This week Simon and Nick are joined by Mattieu Kopp co-founder and CTO of, makers of Avalanche (a tool for migrating photo libraries from App to App), plus Peakto, Find My Snaps, and since we recorded this Peakto for Lightroom, which are amazing AI/ML powered tools for searching and organising your photos in clever and interesting ways. After discussing that they all take a wander through some of the news from the week, including an M series chip flaw and a medical world’s first.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 292: AI image search with CYME

Essential Apple Podcast 291: WWW is 35 years old!

On this show: the World Wide Web turned 35, Nick still has hacker issues, Sonoma bugs, Vision Pro used in neuro surgery, hints that Apple are ramping up on their AI works and more. As ever Simon and Nick have a natter about it all.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 291: WWW is 35 years old!

Essential Apple Podcast 290: Spats, Hacks & A.I.

On the show this time, Nick got hacked! Apple and Epic get into another spat, in which they both came off looking stupid, and childish… Simon and Nick have been playing with A.I. image tools. Apple made modifications to its new EU rules, a man has recovered over 200 Apple Watches from lakes in Illinois and Donny is disappointed in his Zagg pencils for iPads, and of course some other stuff too!


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 290: Spats, Hacks & A.I.

Essential Apple Podcast 289: So long Apple car… We never knew you at all!

This week Simon has a new microphone so hopefully the sound will be a little better. Meanwhile apparently the “Titan has Fallen”, the Apple car project is “officially” dead, Vision Pro returns are no worse than any other Apple product, there is new Post Quantum crytographic protection coming for iMessage, and more! Simon and Nick set to and try to make sense of it all…


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 289: So long Apple car… We never knew you at all!

Essential Apple Podcast 288: Happy Birthday Steve

This week Simon and Nick consider Steve’s birthday and, sadly, two years of war in the Ukraine, plus Post Quantum Cryptography, Apple’s first folding device, some Apple TV+, and an Apple Ring?
Apologies if the sound is still a little below par, Simon’s new mic didn’t arrive in time for this recording, but hopefully all will be well by the next show.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 288: Happy Birthday Steve

Essential Apple Podcast 287: Small, not far away…

Late yet again! However, this time Nick and Simon talk about the DMA (again), the Vision Pro (again), Peleton backpedalling, and look at the award-winning, world’s smallest humanoid robot ironically reported on by Giant Freakin Robot!
Also Simon’s microphone failed suddenly and unexpectedly with no apparent cause just before the show… so sound quality isn’t quite as good as normal – sorry.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 287: Small, not far away…

Essential Apple Podcast 286: Don’t Mess About

Simon and Nick have a chat about the Vision Pro, Apple’s DMA proposals and the Quarterly results… And yes, the title is a deliberate misquote of Kenneth Williams’ famous “stop messing about!”


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 286: Don’t Mess About

Essential Apple Podcast 285: Seafarers & The Wizard of Woke

This week Simon and Nick are joined by the Revd Canon Andrew Dotchin, Suffolk MUG member, longtime Mac user and Vicar of Felixstowe (Britain’s busiest port), to talk about Apple, 40 years of the Mac, Apple Watch, Vision Pro and lots of other stuff which may (or may not) be related to tech…


  • The Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to the 1.89 million crewmen and women who face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat, transporting over 90% of the world’s goods and fuels.
    Being able to contact home when making shore half way round the world from home is something priceless to these merchant matelots.
    The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 285: Seafarers & The Wizard of Woke