Skylum Software present: 100+ plugins for Photoshop

A guest posting by Skylum Software

Before launching Luminar Flex a few weeks ago, Skylum did a little research to see what plug-ins for Photoshop are currently available on the market. They’ve collected over 100 different plugins that might be useful for photographers, designers and anyone who works with Photoshop.
Based on it they’ve prepared an organised and numbered list of plug-ins from photo editing and noise reduction helpers, to those that work with icons, fonts or mockups. Please, feel free to share this list or give them a hint if they’ve forgotten to add any plug-in worthy of being on the list.

ProtonVPN: How to protect your personal data on public Wi-Fi

Airports, cafes, hotels – we are surrounded by free hotspots. While they are convenient, if you are not careful, public WiFi connections can put your device and personal data at risk to hackers. Here are some steps you can take to secure your connection and your personal data.

We have all done it: connected to a free public WiFi network we did not know to check emails, read the news, or scroll Instagram. What we often do not think about is that the same convenience that makes public WiFi so easy to use is also what makes it so attractive to hackers. Since most public WiFi services lack a strong password, they are vulnerable to a number of techniques that hackers can use to observe your online activity, collect your personal and financial data, or even break into your device.

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ProtonVPN: 12 mistakes that can get your data hacked – and how to avoid them


Posted on the ProtonVPN Blog – August 24th, 2018 by in Privacy, Security.

Whenever you store or transmit data online, there is a risk of getting hacked. However, there are actions you can take to protect yourself. Here are 12 common mistakes that can jeopardize your online data, along with simple fixes.

Along with the unprecedented convenience of the Internet has come the increasing risk of hacks and identity theft. Every day there are new examples of an individual or organization suffering a major cyber-attack, and each attack offers a warning to the rest of us. For instance, after the University of Michigan had three of its Facebook accounts hacked, they published a detailed breakdown of what happened. Their case study illustrates how one weakness can compromise an entire system.

Continue reading → ProtonVPN: 12 mistakes that can get your data hacked – and how to avoid them A Comprehensive Guide On Talking To Siri.

Sometimes dealing with Siri is great, never missing a beat. Other times a drawn-out, knock-down battle rages, just to get the simplest thing done with Siri. How many times has Siri asked you a question to which you answer with a simple “no” only to be rewarded with “sorry I don’t understand”?

Most people will know the basics “call someone”, “Facetime audio someone”, “tell Karl I’m going to be late for the Podcast” but what if you want to delve deeper? To use the virtual assistants full selection of commands. As per the apparent standard from the Cupertino giant, there is no guide. Apple seem to want you to work it out for yourself. However, help is finally here.

Continue reading → A Comprehensive Guide On Talking To Siri.

How to stop iTunes opening when you plug in your iPhone / iPad

iTunes opening when you attached your device is handy to start with but soon becomes an annoyance. iTunes pops up, invariably there will be a dialogue box of some sort when all you wan to do is give your device a quick charge.

iTunes has changed how you stop it launching  when a device is plugged in, before you would open iTunes, select your device, go to the Summary tab and unselect Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected. With iTunes that option has moved.

Continue reading → How to stop iTunes opening when you plug in your iPhone / iPad

How to increase the recording time in Garageband for iPad or iPhone

I had this problem when recording “the essential apple show” on my iOS device when using Garageband. When you start to record anything in Garageband you can only record for 8 seconds. For the musical types this might make sense but for those like me who pick up and fiddle about with things, its confusing. Here’s how you increase the recording time in Garageband.

Continue reading → How to increase the recording time in Garageband for iPad or iPhone

What Folders To Exclude From Time Machine Backups

Having never really used Time Machine before now I thought it was high time that I put the spare HDD I have lying about to use. Well more like I’m debating formatting my system to do a clean install of Lion and wanted a local backup for a change.  I’ve also included updated information for what folders to exclude from Mavericks and Yosemite backups.

From a combination of my own Time Machine disk space experiences and putting in some research to make your backups as lean as possible without loosing anything critical, here are my recommended area’s to exclude from Time Machine Backups.

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How To Make Your Podcasts Sound Better With Audacity

As I’m always looking for ways to improve the audio quality of the Rampant Mumblings podcast, I stumbled across this article via giving some handy hints for those of you who use audacity to podcast. A good read and graphics that are clear and right to the point. Granted it’s from 2014 but it stands up from my quick tries.

How To Enable Siri On Apple TV 4 In Unsupported Countries

Siri on the Apple TV has had a somewhat stumbled rollout. The main culprit being Siri needing extra training from different parts of the globe pronounce names being the main culprit. That explanation is all well and good if you happen to live somewhere where that training has happened, and Siri is live on your Apple TV.

Thankfully there is a simple way to enable the new Apple TV’s excellent Siri support but are not in one of the eight supported countries, then you’re not completely out of luck.

Just in case you are wondering Siri is supported in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Spain or Japan.

Continue reading → How To Enable Siri On Apple TV 4 In Unsupported Countries

How to Record 4K Video on the iPhone 6s

With each iteration of the iPhone the camera just gets better and better. With the new iPhone 6S you can record in 4K video despite the Apple TV doesn’t support it yet. Although the ability is there it is not enabled by default so you have to go hunting around in the settings to enable 4K video recording. Be warned, this isn’t for those of you who have the 16 GB model.

In its default mode the iPhone 6S records video at 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second. This is a good D4 option as it gives you the best quality and frames per second without file sizes going completely crazy.

Continue reading → How to Record 4K Video on the iPhone 6s