Sadly it seems that PixelPumper is no more. The once goto app for editing wordpress blogs on your mac looks all but dead. No app update since 24 July 2013, a dead website and unanswered emails. A true shame as it had so much promise.

Wordpress blogs are more than catered for in the iOS department but for your Mac, offerings are slightly lacking.  Mars Edit is a favorite of many users but other contenders are notable by their absense.  Enter Pixel Pumper a first time app project aimed at Mac bloggers.

At the great price of being FREE, Pixel Pumper takes a simplistic yet functional design view on blogging.  The stylings remind me of a widescreen iOS app with the main window looking great on those retina based macs.  Whilst the feature set is simple it’s fair to say it’s aimed more at the simple blogger than major posters right now but this is early days for Pixel Pumper.

Feature wise what you see is what you get but there are some bugs that take the sheen off what has to be pretty much classed as a version 1 release of Pixel Pumper.

Some Spotted Bugs Already

  • Bullet points are overzealous.  Despite carefully selecting text and then selecting the bullet point type, all texts get bulleted at times.
  • There’s no obvious way to undo bullet pointing.
  • Adding Photos will only let you add one picture at a time and not say if you highlighted 3.
  • For some reason selecting text, styling and then selecting paragraph, copies and pastes said text to the bottom of the blog.

Quick Thoughts

Right now it’s worth picking up Pixel Pumper if only to start drafting out your musings on your desktop for then editing online.  At the price of free it’s worth to join the journey on what will hopefully be a cracking bit of software.  I’m using it just to post the basics when I’m off line or I really can’t put up with the cludgy wordpress back end.

Notes From The Developer

Getting a response from the developer always helps with being reassured that it’s not a one time only app and it will continued to be developed.  The developer is aware of these bugs plus a whole host more and has already pushed out an update to the App store.

Pixel Pumper is available for free via the Mac App Store.

badge macappstore lrg PixelPumper   A Mac Based Wordpress Editor

What’s New in Version 1.1.2 Released 9th April 2013
★ Now added: “More” functionality for page splitting in your posts ★

✔ Integration with the Mac OS X spell checker.
✔ Better management of images.
✔ Better management of margins.
✔ Better management of accounts.
✔ Ability to cancel posting a blog post.
✔ Added Undo functionality through the app.
✔ Better management of new paragraphs in HTML.
✔ Better management of Blockquotes.

★ HTML Markdown support is coming! Stay tuned! ★

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