We took a look at Poster, the WordPress Blogging App a short while back and it instantly became our go to app for posting updates. Today Poster becomes Poster 2.0 with a bevvy of fixes and newly released functionality.
We liked Poster due to the simplistic yet utterly gorgeous use of typography which really shines out when coming to blogging. You really can’t wait to get words on the screen to see how good it looks.
What’s New in Version 2.0.0
Version 2 brings tons of new features and improvements. I’m dedicated to making this app perfect. If you encounter an issue or a translation error, feel free to contact me at support@tomwitkin.com.
Support for custom post types. Enable them for any WordPress.org blog within the settings.
Poster is now localized for English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish
Edit a post’s excerpt
Set posts as sticky
Edits to published posts can now be saved locally before re-publishing
Insert images at a specific location in a post by tapping and holding in the editor
Option to remove a post’s featured image
Re-order your blogs within the interface
Improved URL scheme with support for a callback URL (http://tomwitkin.com/poster/developers)
+ Typing a space in the slug field now inserts a dash rather than presenting an error, allowing for quicker entry
+ Maximum post download limit increased to 100 posts
+ Ability to edit a post’s excerpt, slug, or comments is now hidden by default in the post inspector. They can be unhidden by tapping “Options” in the inspector. All fields in the inspector can now be hidden.
+ Custom fields can now be given a friendlier label that’s used in the interface (ex: LinkFormatURL –> Link)
+ HTML preview and auto Markdown conversion now converts “–” and “—” to en and em dashes, respectively
+ New icon
+ Improved speed when syncing posts
+ Improved formatting when sharing a published post (unique formatting for Twitter/Facebook, email, and clipboard). Clipboard now receives only the link to a post.
+ Edits to posts are automatically saved. There’s no need to manually save a post anymore.
+ Faster title entry on iPhone
+ Improved memory usage and launch times (the initial launch may take longer than normal due to a one-time data migration)
+ Fixed an issue where duplicate custom fields would appear on the web interface for a post each time it was edited
+ Fixed an issue where a custom field could not be removed from a post
+ Fixed an issue where selecting a file from Dropbox would not create a new post
+ Fixed an issue where the keyboard could cover text when editing a post
+ Fixed an error for blogs that have identically named categories under different parent categories
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