Luminar 3 with Libraries

A review by Allister Jenks @zkarj

Luminar 3 lifestyle shot 6 Luminar 3 with Libraries
Skylum Software have been churning out new versions of their products like there’s a finish line somewhere near. Hot on the heels of Aurora HDR 2019, and a year on from the release of Luminar 2018, Luminar 3 builds out the photo processing features with an initial release of the long awaited (and promised) digital asset manager (DAM). In short – it’s great, but with caveats for my needs. Read on to see what’s what.

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ProtonMail and the Bridge

Although this sounds like a title for some science fiction book or movie, it is in fact a way to see your ProtonMail in mail clients such as Apple Mail.

A Review by James Ormiston

For those who don’t know ProtonMail is a secure, encrypted, open source, email service based in Switzerland and has a variety of free and paid options. It offers mobile apps and a web client for desktops.

Using iOS, it’s very simple to see emails sent and received via the ProtonMail app, but on macOS the only way, until now, was to use a web browser login page. This worked fine on the whole, but it wasn’t as convenient as with most other dedicated mail apps. Now, that has all changed with the release of the ProtonMail Bridge… with one small caveat.

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GoEuro iOS Travelling App.

Holiday season is here and yet whilst it might be the season to be chiling out, maxing and being all cool, trying to book your holiday / day break / long weekend travel can be a royal pain in the butt.

Taking public transport, leaves you working out that thorny equation of price vs time vs aggravation. GoEuro aims to take the pain out of this, and it has one feature to make it stand out from other similar apps.

Interface-wise there’s nothing to boast about, practical with enough features to filter results which are initially sorted by cheapest first.

Searches cover trains, coaches and planes with GoEuros differentiator from other similar apps being on flying, getting to and from your chosen airport. More on that in a moment.

Continue reading → GoEuro iOS Travelling App.

Aftershokz Bluez 2S Review – Cycle And Run Safer With Music In Your Head

The Aftershokz Bluez 2S are a different type of headphones, headphones that will let you run or cycle whilst still being able to hear what’s going on around you. The Aftershockz are wireless but they don’t go in or over the ear.

They actually conduct the sound via your cheekbone which is really weird but the technology is really cool and also really works.

Continue reading → Aftershokz Bluez 2S Review – Cycle And Run Safer With Music In Your Head

Brydge+ Keyboard

Brydge+ with Speakers iPad keyboard Review

Since the iPad Pro’s release I’ve been looking at Apple’s new fondle slab with eyes of grabbing one in my next upgrade cycle.  Dusting off my original iPad Air I wanted to see if I could do most of my daily computing tasks on the iPad.

Hammering out long form text on the iPad might be ok for the new generations of bloggers whose keyboard experiences have started on glass, not forged in the experience of using mechanical keyboards from yesteryear, but it isn’t really for me.

If you are going to invest in a keyboard then it might as well be a good one, especially if it’s going to be an everyday carry and a main workhorse.  Enter the Brydge+ Bluetooth keyboard which has the option of bluetooth speakers built in.

An all aluminium construction, speakers and rechargeable batteries means Brydge+ will add a touch of bulk to your bag as on it own it weighs in at 1.15lbs (0.52kg).  Combining with an iPad 2 brings the combined weight up to 2.46lbs (1.12kg), for iPad 3 and 4 2.46lbs (1.17kg).  For comparison a Macbook weighs 2lbs, Macbook Air 2.5lbs and a non Retina Macbook Pro 13” 2.06 kg (4.5 pounds).

When the Mac first went to unibody aluminium construction a lot of people weren’t happy with the sharp edges, whilst the Brydge+ does look fairly angular and somewhat unforgiving at first appearances, I have found it comfortable throughout many hours of continuous usage.

Continue reading → Brydge+ with Speakers iPad keyboard Review

Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard Review.

Recently I’ve been a bit of a microsoft convert, Office 2016 is an amazing piece of software, surface tablets are coming along nicely and now hell must have frozen over with the release of the Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard.

Thanks to the small, portable keyboard yours truly is blogging whilst enjoying a sunny day, overlooking a beach and being able to type frustration free on my iPad.

Continue reading → Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard Review.