If you’re into Reddit then theres a fair chance you might be taking a look at some point over the xmas period. Uforio is a native Mac App letting you pursue the wonder of reddit right from your desktop.

Having taken it for a quick spin (yes on christmas day) it’s looking promising. Once I had logged in I could see all of my posts, replies and general activity as you would expect on the desktop version.

Uforio for Reddit 770x515 Uforio For Reddit. A Reddit Client For Mac.
Media is well catered for. As I’ve been writing this the new Deadpool Trailer has been playing in Uforio.

A couple of quick usage notes.

  • Opening a link spans a new window of Ugorio rather than opening in Safari. Sort of makes sense, sort of doesn’t.
  • This also means if you click a link in the spawned window a new window will open.

As I said its christmas day but so far it’s looking to be a promising client.

You can download Uforia from the mac app store or https://uforio.com

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