It looks like Amazon prime will be available in a few weeks for the new Apple TV making the Cupertino’s new shiny even more awesome.

Initially Apple was on the sharp end of the criticising stick for not allowing Amazon prime onto the Apple TV when Netflix was there on day one.

Apple did something they rarely often do, public relations, telling BuzzFeed News that “all are welcome” on its new Apple TV platform. This despite Amazon nor allowing sales of any of the mainstream streaming stick like chrome cast, roku etc.

Amazon appears to have confirmed to engineer Dan Bostonweeks that it is developing a tvOS app for Prime Video that could launch before the end of 2015.

<blockquote>”Hopefully, within a few weeks span, you will be able to see the Amazon Instant Video app feature on your Apple TV,” </blockquote>

the company purportedly said in an email.

A few weeks however might mean that Amazon misses the sales window for Christmas not that Amazon need worry about such things. This Black Friday Amazon reported their busiest Black Friday ever.

Having just signed up for Amazon prim and an iOS app available for iPhone and iPad this seems like the next logical step. Here’s hoping.

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