Who knows why iTunes 12.2 wasn’t available yesterday with the Beats 1, iOS 8.4 launch but it’s not hard to imagine that even Apple utilising many CDN’s would have felt the struggle of that amount of bandwidth.
iTunes 12.2 is a comparatively small download coming down the tubes at 107mb with some complimentary features to go along side the ability to listen to Beats 1.
5 Minutes With iTunes 12.2
Not being a huge iTunes user to start with for other than synching audiobooks some of these features not be as new as I’d noticed. At the top next to the now playing text, a tap on the small album art reduces itunes to Mini player or nano player, both using Apple’s color pallete algorithms.

There are still some features missing from iTunes (duh) and Beats 1 radio that would get me hooked, namely notifications. For shows that are coming up I don’t want to have to rely on the flesh in my body called the brain to remember. More likely I’ll remember after it’s too late and seeing as there is no catchup facility yet.
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