Essential Apple Podcast 189: The Preshow is the Aftershow… or something

No Jim this time as he is back at work, but I am joined by Nick to actually do a show – but based on the feedback related to the “Not a show…” last week we are going to try a slightly less structured approach for the next few shows – feel free to let me know what you think about it. Somehow we managed to end up with nearly as much preshow as show… so although some of it covers the same ground the Aftershow is the Preshow (or something).


  • Glenn Fleishman’s Working From Home book is completely FREE and can be downloaded here and now he has also released Take Control of Zoom Essentials free as well.
  • Steve at Geeks Corner has restarted his podcast which is a 5-15 min show of his thoughts on tech. Also keep an eye on his site or follow him on Twitter @GeekCorner_uk to watch for regular giveaways.

Why not come and join the Slack community? You can now just click on this Slackroom Link to sign up and join in the chatter!

Slacker @MacJim has a family friendly Flickr group for listeners to share photos because the Darkroom channel in the Slack has become so popular – if you’re interested head over to to the Essential Apple Flickr and request an invitation.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 189: The Preshow is the Aftershow… or something

Internet Privacy Review 2019

A Guest Posting by Alex Grant of Logo 1 Internet Privacy Review 2019

Original article here

Internet usage is growing by the day. As usage grows, so does the amount of information shared. A lot of information is shared voluntarily. People create profiles for social media sites, join email lists and download white papers. With every interaction, data is voluntarily given.

Meanwhile, more aggressive marketing tactics like tracking website behavior is becoming all too popular. In an attempt to show customers relevant ads, companies monitor clicks, identify trends and create targeted ad campaigns. Companies using data for advertising purposes is one thing, but personal data is a goldmine for hackers. From email phishing scams to ransomware, there are a number of threats that make personal data like passwords, bank accounts and credit card numbers, vulnerable.

Internet privacy is one of the fastest growing concerns among online users.

Research shows that 68% of users are concerned about not knowing how their personal information is collected online and used. And concern is only growing. Forty-five percent of consumers are more worried about their online privacy than they were a year ago, according to TrustArc

The state of internet privacy is an important topic, which is why we’ve created this guide to discuss privacy concerns, explore solutions and present an Internet Privacy Index that ranks the internet privacy of 100+ countries.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Global use of the internet
  • Internet Privacy Index
  • Cybercrime legislation
  • Data privacy for consumers
  • Patchwork legislation makes data privacy difficult
  • Consumer efforts to protect customer data

Continue reading → Internet Privacy Review 2019

The ProtonMail guide to taking control of your online privacy

A guest post from the ProtonMail Blog

Written by Find the original posting here

Updated July 2019

Improve your online privacy with this comprehensive guide, developed by the ProtonMail team. Here, we’ll help you determine your threat model and take steps to achieve online privacy that meets your needs.

Total Internet privacy is impossible, but you can get close by adjusting your online behavior — and a few of your privacy settings. This guide is designed to help you with simple, practical solutions to keep prying eyes away from your personal information.

Many Internet privacy guides promote unrealistic solutions, like using Tor all the time (which will slow your Internet) or communicating only through Signal encrypted messenger (which is useless unless your contacts are using it too). While such technologies provide a high level of privacy, they may not be necessary under your personal threat model. In other words, you probably don’t need to take the same privacy precautions as a Turkish dissident or an NSA whistleblower. And the best privacy recommendations can be counterproductive if you burn out following them, like one writer for Slate did.

So, in this guide to Internet privacy, we’ll show you how to understand your own threat model, followed by some practical steps you can take. Each of the sections has a simple recommendation you can follow to increase your online privacy. This page is designed to be a handy, ongoing resource rather than a quick checklist, so consider bookmarking this page to come back to it later when you need a refresher.

Continue reading → The ProtonMail guide to taking control of your online privacy

Essential Apple Podcast 119: Ghostery: spikes spooks and knackers trackers

This week Apple caught everyone by surprise by bringing their services to Samsung and other smart TVs… CES was surprisingly “iterative” – that LG roll up TV was back again plus there was a demonstration of my Sci Fi fantasy OTA power with promises it could be in consumer’s hands by 2020.

This week the show features semi regular co hosts Nick Riley and Donny Yankellow and special guest Pete Knowlton of Ghostery – the amazing free “anti tracker” that helps you browse smarter by giving you control over ads and tracking technologies to speed up page loads, eliminate clutter, and protect your data.


  • Pete has gifted us 10x Ghostery “swag bags” to give away! First 10 out of the hat! Email me on with your postal address and preferred T Shirt size to be in with a chance…
  • Listeners of this show can claim $10 off purchases of Luminar and/or Aurora HD 2019 use the coupon code EssentialApple at checkout for your extra discount!
  • WINNER of the BeLight Home 3D is Ananda Y… expect your licences direct from Tanya at BeLight.

Why not come and join the Slack community? You can now just click on this Slackroom Link to sign up and join in the chatter!
We can now also be found on Spotify, Soundcloud and even YouTube.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 119: Ghostery: spikes spooks and knackers trackers

Essential Apple Podcast 94: Talking Photolemur, Luminar & Aurora HDR with Skylum

I am joined by Alex Tsepko the CEO of Skylum Software to talk about Photolemur, Luminar, what happened to the DAM module, and Aurora HDR… Actually the interview was done in two parts because we had issues trying to record while Alex was driving across the Ukraine… (who’d have guessed that?) But regardless of that we got a really great interview. Also Suffolk Pete (@hermboy) and I chew over the news of the week.
Why not come and join the Slack community? You can now just click on this Slackroom Link to sign up and join in the chatter!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 94: Talking Photolemur, Luminar & Aurora HDR with Skylum

Essential Apple Podcast 81: Dr Andy Yen of Proton Technologies

As Mark is planning to take two weeks away to relax and enjoy his birthday we recorded this early in the week. Since then it’s all been about Facebook (and done to death by everyone else). With a view to presenting something different to everyone else this week, we are proud bring you an interview with Dr Andy Yen, CEO and founder of Proton Technologies – the company behind ProtonMail and ProtonVPN.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 81: Dr Andy Yen of Proton Technologies

Essential Apple Podcast 77: It’s About Privacy and Security

This week Essential Apple Slacker @Dougee (Andi J), digital forensics expert, joins us to talk about security, privacy, protecting yourself online, etc.
Also, of course, we take a look at the Apple and Tech stories of note from the last week or so, including Apple’s China iCloud dilemma, painful problems at Apple Campus and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 77: It’s About Privacy and Security

Essential Apple Podcast 76: In Conversation with Jeff Gamet of TMO

This week saw another deadly school shooting in the US and whilst we don’t want to dwell on that event we felt it appropriate to just mention our horror and sorrow at another senseless tragedy.
Meanwhile we are joined by the esteemed Jeff Gamet, Managing Editor at The Mac Observer and co-host of the Apple Context Machine Podcast to talk about the HomePod, “white-ring gate”, Twitter killing its Mac client and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 76: In Conversation with Jeff Gamet of TMO

Essential Apple Podcast 74: Essential Pocket Apple Sized Podcast?

This week Apple quietly emasculated macOS Server, removed Telegram from the App Store for a little bit and, allegedly, pushed back some new iOS features to focus more on reliability and performance. Meanwhile Open Source turned 20 years old, a Florida man gets a mind controlled robotic prosthetic arm and British MP Matt Hancock, Digital Secretary, has a social app that is a privacy horror.
To discuss all that and more Mark and I are joined by Scott Willsey of the Don’t Nihongo it Alone podcast, the Not Speeding in Reverse Podast and the recently revived Pocket Sized Podcast.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 74: Essential Pocket Apple Sized Podcast?

Essential Apple Podcast 67: What the Hell Patreon?

We are now well into December, there is even snow here in Suffolk today so Christmas is “officially sanctioned” and still Mark refrains from breaking out the Quo… Also Patreon did some sort of U turn and say if you aren’t receiving “life changing” amounts of donations they don’t really want your business… Plus Apple TV, SSDs, ARM laptops and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 67: What the Hell Patreon?