Essential basic lion gestures.
Lion is really taking it to the traditional mouse and computer interaction we have all become accustomed to. Snow Leopard really did push me towards being more interactive with my desktop with more than three buttons and Lion makes even more use out of the track pad.
1. Tap for dictionary.
The dictionary facility has been about for a number of Mac OSx incarnations. Previously he had to press command control D whilst hovering over a word. Lion simplifies this approach by allowing you to simply double tap on any word using three fingers
2. Finder navigation using gestures.
Finder didn’t escape the briefest of makeovers in the lion operating system as opening the finder presents you with a Cover Flow style presentation of files and folders. To navigate through these items with a gesture, simply scroll up and down with two fingers to see the different groups and position your points are in a group and slide two fingers left or right on the trackpad to see different files in the sections. As normal, when you see a file you want to work with, just double tap on it.
3. Make the most of mission control.
Mission control is activated by simply swiping up four fingers on your track pad. Once in mission control, you can swipe left and right with three fingers to move between different desktop, spaces or any of the full-screen applications that are currently in operation.
If you have any hints or tips on how to manage Lion with gestures then please drop us a line with the comment form below
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