According to a somewhat vauge report at Bloomberg, iPhone 4s phone users consume double the data of iPhone 4 users thanks, mainly, to Siri.

Network analyst Arieso claims that the voice navigation software could see users incur significantly higher bills, and mobile networks struggle with the volume of data being transmitted.

Arieso reached the conclusion after analysing the data usage of one million smartphone owners on an unnamed European network.

As well as finding that the iPhone 4S uses twice as much data as the iPhone 4, the study suggested that BlackBerry users consume 20% less than owners of Apple’s latest handset. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone as the typical Blackberry user is more in the corporate / e-mail arena rather than multimedia and full on web browsing. Also doesn’t that make sense that a BB user will use less data with a phone with less features than the iPhone?

Interesting article if more than a touch vauge. They don’t mention the savings on the other side by using iMessage instead of texting bundles (more applicable in the USA I’ll admit). Do they even say in the article how much data siri uses or indeed iMessage?

Some sites say that siri can use up to 64k per time. UP to I normally find its about 10 – 20k max.

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