Messages has been given a royal workout in the latest incarnation of iOS 8.  Here’s some of the nice cool features to play with.

Images and Messages.

Doing anything with images in iOS 8 and messages has gotten an awful lot better. Now when you press the camera icon you aren’t limited to sending just one image at a time. You can quickly choose between the last 20 photos you’ve taken or delve further into the midst of time and use your camera roll for any older pictures.

Just so you aren’t left squinting, wondering if you are selecting the right picture you can tap on any picture to select it, read tap to and select it and you will stay in the big picture preview mode.

IOS 8 Keyboard

After an hour’s worth of playing with iMessage, doing some light email duties I really am finding the new keyboard in iOS 8 somewhat cramped.

iMessage Emoji 1  247x440 Getting Around Messages in iOS 8
iMessage Emoji 2  247x440 Getting Around Messages in iOS 8
iMessage Emoji 3  247x440 Getting Around Messages in iOS 8

For some I can see the appeal of having the emoji icon there but as an avid user of Siri and dictation in general I’m finding that I’m accidentally hitting that button once too many times. That being said this is hopefully something that is going to be rectified on the iPhone 6 given the extra dimensions.

iOS 8 Messages Management.

You can now tidy up your messages and delete individual portions of conversations. One of the big space hogs I found when trying to upgrade to iOS eight was my messages coming in at over 3.9 GB.

Of course this has many upsides and downsides and it reminds me to have a look at message pruning. Hopefully there is a feature somewhere that will let me delete all messages older than 60 days.

iOS 8 Predictive Typing.

I’m pretty sure this is another feature that I will eventually “get used to”  Right now it still feels like I’m pausing to look away from the main keyboard and up to the suggestion to quickly fill in the word. I’m quite happy to admit that I’m perhaps using me as wrong and should be using the auto complete function for more complicated words rather than trying to save time typing.

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