The New York Times has published Mona Simpson’s eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs. Simpson delivered her eulogy during his memorial service on October 16 at the Memorial Church of Stanford University. In her remarks, she recalls her experience of his final days and hours, including his last words to his family.

Mona Simpson Eulogy Header Mona Simpsons moving eulogy for her brother, Steve JobsSimpson’s eulogy is both powerful and heartbreaking, and I won’t cheapen it by clipping bits to include here. Go read the full piece at the New York Times. I’d argue that you’ll learn just as much about what kind of person Steve Jobs was in his sister’s moving eulogy as you will by reading Walter Isaacson’s sprawling biography of him.

It really is powerfully moving and made me sit back for a moment and thing.  Rare in this age of ever changing information


Mona Simpson Eulogy Mona Simpsons moving eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs


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