I’ve been testing Mavericks Developer Preview 7 for a while now and it’s coming good. Whilst not much has changed really in the way of UI design, it’a all those subtler touches that add up nicely.

Take advantage of new features, like APIs that optimize the new energy saving technologies in OS X Mavericks, as well as new AV Kit frameworks, Sprite Kit, Map Kit, and many powerful additions to existing frameworks.

OS X Mavericks Developer Preview Release Dates.
17th September : OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 8 released
4th September : OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 7 released
22nd August : OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 6
7th August : OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 5
23rd July : OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 4

The following is a list of features to be found in OS X Mavericks:

  • Improved multiple display support: The menu bar and the Dock can be accessed on each display; Apple TV can be used as an external display.
  • Mission Control has been updated to organize and switch between Desktop workspaces independently between multiple displays.
  • Finder enhancements, including tabs, fullscreen support, and document tags.
  • Added new iBooks application.
  • Added new Maps application.
  • Calendar enhancements.
  • Safari browser enhancements.
  • iCloud Keychain sync.
  • Notification Center enhancements.
  • Some skeuomorphisms, such as the leather texture in Calendar and the book-like appearance of Contacts, have been removed from the UI.
  • Timer coalescing, which enhances energy efficiency by reducing CPU usage by up to 72 percent.
  • App Nap, which sleeps apps that are not currently visible.
  • Compressed Memory, which automatically compresses data from inactive apps when approaching maximum memory capacity.
  • Server Message Block version 2 (SMB2) is now the default protocol for sharing files.
  • LinkedIn sharing integration.
  • OpenGL 4.1 Core Profile.
  • OpenCL 1.2.

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