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Essential Apple Podcast 288: Happy Birthday Steve

This week Simon and Nick consider Steve’s birthday and, sadly, two years of war in the Ukraine, plus Post Quantum Cryptography, Apple’s first folding device, some Apple TV+, and an Apple Ring?
Apologies if the sound is still a little below par, Simon’s new mic didn’t arrive in time for this recording, but hopefully all will be well by the next show.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 288: Happy Birthday Steve

Essential Apple Podcast 287: Small, not far away…

Late yet again! However, this time Nick and Simon talk about the DMA (again), the Vision Pro (again), Peleton backpedalling, and look at the award-winning, world’s smallest humanoid robot ironically reported on by Giant Freakin Robot!
Also Simon’s microphone failed suddenly and unexpectedly with no apparent cause just before the show… so sound quality isn’t quite as good as normal – sorry.


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 287: Small, not far away…

Essential Apple Podcast 286: Don’t Mess About

Simon and Nick have a chat about the Vision Pro, Apple’s DMA proposals and the Quarterly results… And yes, the title is a deliberate misquote of Kenneth Williams’ famous “stop messing about!”


  • The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 286: Don’t Mess About

Essential Apple Podcast 285: Seafarers & The Wizard of Woke

This week Simon and Nick are joined by the Revd Canon Andrew Dotchin, Suffolk MUG member, longtime Mac user and Vicar of Felixstowe (Britain’s busiest port), to talk about Apple, 40 years of the Mac, Apple Watch, Vision Pro and lots of other stuff which may (or may not) be related to tech…


  • The Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to the 1.89 million crewmen and women who face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat, transporting over 90% of the world’s goods and fuels.
    Being able to contact home when making shore half way round the world from home is something priceless to these merchant matelots.
    The Mission to Seafarers is looking for donations of old, but working, smartphones and internet capable tablets to give seafarers far from home a way to talk to friends and family
  • If you have any old smartphones or tablets cluttering your cupboard and drawers why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you are in the UK contact Rev. Andrew Dotchin or your nearest Mission to Seafarers Centre, or if you live outside the UK and would like to help, simply visit and make a donation.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 285: Seafarers & The Wizard of Woke

Essential Apple Podcast 284: Visions of Angels (Landing)

Happy New Year! It is 2024 (even though it was 1976 a few months ago wasn’t it?) Anyway, Simon and Nick finally get back together after the Holiday Season (and a few other things) got in the way… Chatter covers the Vision Pro, a bunch of security stories, a nuclear battery, and lots more, as always seems to happen.

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 284: Visions of Angels (Landing)

Essential Apple Podcast 283: A whole heap of news

Simon and Nick get together to chat over what is actually quite a lot of news – Apple unexpectedly announce RCS support is coming to iOS, how much Google pay Apple leaks out in court, Black Friday is coming and there will be deals to be had on Macs new and not quite so new, latest betas are out, and more!


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 283: A whole heap of news

Essential Apple Podcast 282: Score one for the UK

Bit late again with this one, sorry – Simon and Nick talk about the MBP M3s and is 8GB RAM enough, is it worth upgrading if you have an earlier M series, and a variety of other stuff (as they always do) including Nick’s NuKi and the UK bonus in ApplePay courtesy of the UK Banking’s Open Banking API.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 282: Score one for the UK

Essential Apple Podcast 280: Come Hell or High Water

Another unexpected hiatus and Simon tells us wome of why that was before he and Nick try to settle down and discuss what they think Apple might have to tell us in the Scary Fast event… except it doesn’t pan out that way and Simon has to do most of the show solo…


  • Get 2 months on the Kino Premium Plan with offer code KINOWITHJOHNNEMO

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 280: Come Hell or High Water

Essential Apple Podcast 279: New Apple OS’s and a new car

OK so Simon is finally catching up, and here is the show from only a week ago where he and Nick spend some time on what’s new in Apple’s most recent releases, some customer support experiences they’ve had, and to be honest a lot of time talking about Simon’s new EV… and why not? Also sorry about the intrusion of a bunch of folk and Vinnie the dog part of the way through… Apparently the “On Air” sign wasn’t enough to deter them – edited out the worst of it but you will find Vinnie wasn’t going to give up until his opinions were heard :D, and there is some background noise in the later part of the show.
Anyway hope you enjoy this one regardless!


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 279: New Apple OS’s and a new car

Essential Apple Podcast 278: A Lust for Wonder?

Another disgracefully late release as I (Simon) try desperately to get back on track and publish the stuff that should have been out weeks ago… Anyway this time Nick and I natter about the WonderLust event and what new shiny toys Apple brought us this time. Also because we never get any reviews, Nick goes all out to see if he can generate a few for us! (Listen to the results in the Aftershow).


  • Get 2 months on the Kino Premium Plan with offer code KINOWITHJOHNNEMO

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Recorded 17th September 2023

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 278: A Lust for Wonder?

Essential Apple 277: Ancient News

This one is OBSCENELY LATE (and it is all Simon’s fault, and he holds his hands up to it) – anyway, in the spirit of “we recorded it, so we’re putting it out” here is an ancient recording discussing stuff that happened way back in the start of September, plus more of Nick and Simon’s usual idle musings on other stuff not related to anything in particular.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple 277: Ancient News

Essential Apple Podcast 276: Pick & Mix

Another super late release of a show with Simon and Nick (really have to find a more efficient way to process the show notes…, not sure Simon can do anything to fix his busy life schedules :D). Anyway – here it is with a variety of stories again mostly avoiding stuff from “people close to the matter say”. Oh and a bunch of car chatter in the Aftershow/Preshow segment!


  • Get 2 months on the Kino Premium Plan with offer code KINOWITHJOHNNEMO

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 276: Pick & Mix

Essential Apple Podcast 275: This and that, and other stuff…

Late again but there we go – apologies for that. Anyway Simon and Nick got together as usual to chat about the news stories and other stuff as they do. This time there’s Game Maker stuff for VisionPro, a weird Apple patent, a new TidBits Poll feature, threats to encrypted messages, an expensive pair of Apple Sneakers (and the original Apple Watch).


  • Get 2 months on the Kino Premium Plan with offer code KINOWITHJOHNNEMO

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 275: This and that, and other stuff…

Essential Apple Podcast 274: Mac on the up with Bart Busschots

Sorry this one is disgracefully and inexcusably late because… well because of stuff. Anyway Simon was joined by Bart to take a look at the news of the week (at the time) and found a bit more to talk about than they thought they might… Also apologies the sound isn’t up to the usual standard… there was quite a lot of traffic noise and also either Discord or Audio Hijack had a hissy fit at Bart’s end and he had to do the second half with just a live mic resulting in some gain issues… Anyway its cleaned up as best as Simon could manage and we hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment too much!


  • Get 2 months on the Kino Premium Plan with offer code KINOWITHJOHNNEMO

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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 274: Mac on the up with Bart Busschots