World and dog seem convinced that September 9th will be the day that Apple releases a new iPhone or iWatch device and so starts the inevitable rush to sell or trade in iPhones.  Amazon’s upped the value of trading in an iPhone, well at least for those in the USA.

Most widely known in the USA is Gazelle who are famous for locking in prices of Apple tech before the decline starts as people look to offload their devices.  

Now Amazon are looking to take a slice of that pie, made all the more interesting on how their own handset is flopping and are offering more than Gazelle.  

Absolutely flawless and pristine 16 GB iPhone 5 on AT&T : $170
Good condition, approx : $160 
absolutely flawless and pristine 16 GB iPhone 5 on AT&T : $191
Good condition, approx : $174
Amazon might look a clear winner until you realise that you don’t get cold hard cash in your pocket, instead payment comes in the form of Amazon Vouchers which, you guessed it, are only usable at Amazon.  Not a problem for mose because let’s face it, what can’t you purchase on Amazon these days.

Gazelle also lock in their pricing so if the value of your Apple product does decline you know exactly what you’ll get further down the line.

Just remember Gazelle = Cash, Amazon = Amazon Gift Cards.


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