Considering an interesting idea for iPhone the burden says the company is playing with a sort of constant reminder for people using more phones that they are using more phones the piece as a ready user has posted screenshots of a message that turned up on their iPhone app to the latest iOS 933 Mader the birds on the lock screen a permanent reminder appears at the bottom this phone is managed by your organisation and in settings a new message elaborates the stone is supervised your organisation can monitor your Internet traffic and locators device one wonders whether the organisation in question has to be involved in active device management would that be the case what’s interesting is this good once again be Apple looking over the privacy of the user even when there is likely no reasonable expectation of privacy as was somebody using a phone that belongs to someone else in the report again people using an iPhone that owned and managed by the company they work for me not know that their company can see him in the liver be aware of the company has inside and therefore it all keeping the message on the lock screen could remind people to be more careful with how they use their corporate phone and know Smith will get organisations to get on the device management stick course that assumes actually makes it out to the corporate owned phones which it may not funny thing about bidders features Carmen sometimes go before a final release@with Apple’s huge emphasis on privacy these days seems like a feature that would make a card

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