Apple maps looks like it’s starting to take itself seriously. Previously Yelp was the sole source of reviews and where to go but it’s obvious that Yelp’s popularity has wained recently. If you’re going to be a contender in the maps arena then new partnerships with and Trip advisory make sense.

Reviews have started creeping in from the two new sources within Apple maps but seemingly limited to selected hotels. Quite how this works out no one’s sure but let’s hope it’s not going to be a paid for listing spot via booking or Tripadvisor.

Updated. I’ve checked a few places in my area that I’ve personally added and it’s showing clearly now as TripAdvisor or and this makes sense given stronger’s international presence in England, France and Australia.

Over in the USA street level images seem to be getting a make over to compete, at least somewhat, with Google’s Street view and Microsoft’s Streetside for Bing Maps. More of those minivans which also sparked the Apple Car rumour mill have been spotted out and about

One major improvement that appears to be in the works is street-level imagery similar to Google’s Street View and Microsoft’s Streetside for Bing Maps. Minivans outfitted with sensor arrays and apparently leased by Apple have been spotted in several areas around the United States, with the behavior of the vehicles on residential streets and in parking lots suggesting they are collecting street-level imagery.
If you’ve seen changes in Apple Maps of late, please let us know in the comments and feedback.

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