As has often been the case, good news for Apple is bad news for blackberry as the Motor Company is ditching the Canadian smart phone for Apple’s iPhone.

A grand total total of about 9300 workers worldwide will be dropping their Blackberries things, 3300 by the end of this year with another 6000 getting iPhones in the next two years.

Ford spokesperson Sarah Tatchio was quoted in the piece is saying

we are going to get everyone on iPhones it meets the overall needs of the employees because it is able to serve both our business needs in a secure way and the needs we have in our personal lives with a single device

While blackberry did not address the loss of Ford specifically the company did warn against such moves overall Adam Emery a blackberry spokesperson was quoted in the piece is saying

we can’t comment on this customer we understand that there is diversity and choice in the market Enterprises should think twice about relying on any solution built on the foundation of a consumer technology that likes the proven security benefits that blackberry has always delivered

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