WWDC kicks off on June the 2nd yet analysts are saying o dial back your expectations of getting any new hardware as it’ll be mainly software focused.  Not a hard guess to make as it’s normally about software.

Expections are that WWDC 2014 are going to be concentrating on the new version of Mac OS X 10.10 as Apple did promise a release of a “new” OS every year.

iOS 8 is also expected to take up much of the WWDC conferences as iOS 7 did a find job of launching a new version of the iOS platform.

Those holding out and hoping for a doodad that might slip into your pocked, an Apple TV or even a retooled Apple TV are going to be incredibly unlikely.

It’s possible that Apple will talk about health book the company’s rumored health tracking application or platform although I’m thinking about without new hardware though wouldn’t it be a wasted opportunity or does the M7 co processor have enough capability to start health book and bring it into the masses?

We will all  find out exactly what Apple has talk about in just under a month WWDC kicks off on 2 June in San Francisco

We’ve transcribed the WHOLE OF WWDC 2014 for your pleasure 😀

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