I dont normally comment on pieces like this but when it’s a blatent Apple Doom saying I like to call it out now and again. Todays linkbait headline comes from those chaps at neowin in their article : Apple planning to cut production of iPhone 6s and 6s Plus amid low sales.

Posted on the 5th Jan, Neowin “reported” that Apple is expected to drastically reduce the production of both its iPhone 6s and 6s Plus following lower sales figures than were previously expected.

Nothign wrong with that so far. Well so long as we forget the fact that sales for practically everything on the planet slow down after the festive period. THere’s such a thing as bills to be paid.

Looking at the source material Apple is on stranger to cutting back inventory. Back in 2013 Apple slashed back it’s production parts, however the article forgets to mention this is once again common. Guess what was around the corner. A brand new iPhone.

Output will be scaled back to let dealers go through their current stock. Production is expected to return to normal in the April-June quarter, once inventory adjustment is complete. Apple’s products and brand have not lost their appeal, and older models have continued to sell.

Well look at that. From the source article at Nikkei it goes on to directly contradict the Neowin article. However they arent finished there in some old fashioned Apple bashing.

When you really want to sock it to Apple and go in for the killer blow bring out an analyst.

According to a senior analyst at Mizuho Securities, retailers should be preparing for a year-on-year decline for iPhone sales. The fall in sales is blamed on the lack of performance increases between the iPhone 6 vs 6s, whilst the price-gap between them has been increasing following a stronger dollar.

There’s no link to the Mizuho Securities article however they have been down on Apple stock since 2015. A quick google brought up this gem from january 2015.

Mizuho Securities downgraded Apple stock from Buy to Neutral, retaining a $115 target price, due to expectations of poor iPhone sales, Apple Watch sales, and also due to downside risks to 2016 margins estimates

Can anyone else here spot a trend with a analyst predicting 2 years in a row at the same time of the year to back away from Apple?

Tides will rise and fall, seasons will come and go and Apple will hit a high and have a slower period eventually, but so what? What are the analysts going to do when their tidings of woe have come true. Will it be a case of predicitng how big the losses will be or will they report on upward trends.

Positive reporting. There would be a way to start 2016.

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