SkyDrive app for iOS can automatically back up all your photos in the latest update. Skydrive accounts come with 7gb of storage and supports videos as well. So that’s videos and more storage than loom.
When uploading videos are placed into a separate folder. Office mobile will also allow you to friendly place pictures from skydrive into your documents and of course any changes made get automatically synched.

With our new camera backup feature, it’s now easier than ever to get all the photos and videos you capture on your iPhone over to your Windows PC or tablet. You’re in the driver’s seat: You can control if uploads happen over Wi-Fi or your data network, whether photos are uploaded at original resolution or down-sampled to save space on your SkyDrive, and whether videos are included.
Since Everpix shuttered it’s doors I’ve been on the lookout for a replacement and what more could you ask for. Ok so it might be from the once sworn enemy of Microsoft but at least you know they won’t be going under anytime soon.
See full details from Skydrive. Skydrive is a free app available on the App Store
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