This edition, Part Two of the show recorded with John Chidgey of Bubblesort and The Engineered Network (home of Pragmatic, Analytical, and more) and in this part we talk about a variety of technology topics including Windows 7 EOL, Graphene, Google autodeleting info on you, Facebook suing some Koreans and more.. The power of “post” has allowed me to make it sound like this was how it was intended; but I can promise you that isn’t how it happened at all!
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Recorded 12th May 2019
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On this week’s show:
- @johnchidgey on Twitter
- on the Fediverse
- One of the Bubblesort Podcast members
- Head of The Engineered Network home of podcasts such as Causality and Pragmatic and more
- Microsoft Has Some Bad News For Windows 10 Haters – Forbes
- Adobe CC Removes Older Versions of Photoshop and Lightroom – PetaPixel
- A graphene breakthrough hints at the future of battery power – Wired
- Physicists Are Bewitched by Twisted Graphene’s ‘Magic Angle’ – Wired
- Announcing WSL 2 | Windows Command Line Tools For Developers – Microsoft
- Wait. What?? The year of the Linux desktop is finally here?! I’d never had imagined it’ll look like this. #YearOfTheLinuxDesktop #YotLD2019 – @weyhan on Twitter
- Google is finally ready to talk openly about the mysterious new OS that might replace Android – BGR
- UK To Introduce New Law For IoT Device Security – Forbes
- Real-Time Protection features added in Malwarebytes – Malwarebytes
- Google to ‘auto-delete’ web tracking history – BBC News
- Sinister secret backdoor found in networking gear perfect for government espionage: The Chinese are – oh no, wait, it’s Cisco again – The Register
- Facebook (am I right – with apologies to the Vergecast) – Facebook sues South Korean analytics company to send ‘message’ about privacy to app developers – Washington Post
- This smacks more of Facebook being annoyed that people have been effectively trying to use Facebook gathered data to sell info to advertisers and thus directly competing with Facebook to me…
For things that are not worth more than a flypast
- Etch-A-Snap Camera Puts a Modern Spin on a Toy From the ’50s – Digital Trends
- Can’t draw on an Etch A Sketch? Snap a photo with the Etch-A-Snap and the camera will draw out the scene for you.
Essential Apple Recommended Services:
- Ghostery – protect yourself from trackers, scripts and ads while browsing.
- – Never give out your real email address online again.
- Sudo – Get up to 9 “avatars” with email addresses, phone numbers and more to mask your online identity. Free for the first year and priced from $0.99 US / £2.50 UK per month thereafter…
- ProtonMail – End to end encrypted, open source, based in Switzerland. Prices start from FREE… what more can you ask?
- ProtonVPN – a VPN to go with it perhaps? Prices also starting from nothing!
- Fake Name Generator – So much more than names! Create whole identities (for free) with all the information you could ever need.
- Wire – Free for personal use, open source and end to end encryted messenger and VoIP.
- Pinecast – a fabulous podcast hosting service with costs that start from nothing.
Essential Apple is not affiliated with or paid to promote any of these services… We recommend services that we use ourselves and feel are either unique or outstanding in their field, or in some cases are just the best value for money in our opinion.
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