This week saw another deadly school shooting in the US and whilst we don’t want to dwell on that event we felt it appropriate to just mention our horror and sorrow at another senseless tragedy.
Meanwhile we are joined by the esteemed Jeff Gamet, Managing Editor at The Mac Observer and co-host of the Apple Context Machine Podcast to talk about the HomePod, “white-ring gate”, Twitter killing its Mac client and more.

Recorded 18th February 2018

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On this week’s show:


  • HomePods leaving a white ring on wooden surfaces – The Verge
    NEVER place anything directly onto polished/waxed/oiled wood surfaces. There is a reason your grandmother insisted on cork backed tablemats and coasters etc and never let you put stuff on her dining table – and it wasn’t bloodymindedness!
    Maybe Apple should have included a warning like “avoid placing HomePod directly into polished/waxed/oiled wood surfaces” because perhaps not everyone has/had grandmothers/mothers like me who drummed that stuff into me from year dot.
  • And it isn’t just the HomePod… Sonos One Speakers Also Damage Wood – Tom’s Guide
  • The HomePod power cable can be removed, but you probably shouldn’t [Video] – 9to5 Mac


  • Facebook’s “Protect” feature is apparently basically spyware (like who’d have thunk that?) – IT Pro
    Note: I have a feeling this story has come up before…
  • Twitter discontinues its Mac desktop app after years of spotty support – The Verge


  • Macjim sends us.
    TwelveSouth Surface Pad for iPhone – $50 US
  • And from Dougee
    Hands On: Keymand 1.1 brings touch-screen options to your Mac from a connected iPad – Apple Insider
  • And finally courtesy of Bryan on TMO’s ACM…
    Pop Up Greetings Cards for all occasions – Lovepop – $10 US to about $15 US

Nemo’s Hardware Store (38:22)

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  • Also a big SHOUT OUT to the members of the Slack room without whom we wouldn’t have half the stories we actually do – we thank you all for your contributions and engagement.
  • You can always help us out with a few pennies by using our Amazon Affiliate Link so we get a tiny kickback on anything you buy after using it.
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