In this weeks instalment of the one man podcast (for now), it’s a special occasion where good news is the aim of the game. Website sorted, podcast improvements, some ideas moving forward and Nemos hardware store. There is also a musical interlude from perhaps the best advert in the world.  The Muppets sing about Crumpets! Cue the music

Rampant Mumblings 47 : Good News Everyone

1. Hell freezes over as Fibre makes its way to my small part of the work
2. Moved hosts. Hurrah for speed, boo for anything do to with DNS.
3. Stop looking as anything you’d do normally on a desktop as being niche on the iPad.
4. The best opportunity to make money on the app store is the iPad.
5. Blockless. Why it’s awesome!

Show Links
The Crumpets Show and What is A Crumpet?

Nemos Hardware Store
Jump straight to it :

EasyAcc 2nd Gen. Brilliant 10000mAh Power Bank $18.99

EasyAcc Super Speed USB 2.0 OTG Hub
A 4-in-1 docking station for charging, card reader, hub and OTG device.


Amazon Affiliate Link

The Rampant Mumblings Podcast is available on iTunes. TuneIn, Sticther and Spreaker. It would be awesome if you could spare just a small moment to click on a start to rate the podcast or leave a review. All of the reviews get mentioned on the show.

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