It’s interesting to hear tales from “the other side” (aka Android users) so I asked a friend to write up some tales from The Android Side. This week it’s all about doing many peoples favourite, watching TV in Bed.
Over to Emily….

When lying in bed on a Saturday night ill and feeling sorry for yourself what can you do to try and cheer yourself up? Well for me I thought a bit of reality TV trash would be just the trick. I checked the time and though perfect X-Factor will be on shortly. I am probably one the very few that doesn’t have a TV in my room, so thought considering I have the HTC one x which was sold to me as a phone which was almost a laptop in my hand, I assumed that I would be able to watch x factor through ITV player through my phone…how wrong.

ITV Player for Android Tales From The Droid Side : Trash TV Time.

I went through ITV player and all seemed well, I selected that my phone was an android and clicked on watch live, a message came up stating that ITV were updating their services so I couldn’t watch live from the site.

I looked below and saw that I could in fact the ITV player app so straight away I went to the app store to get it…I was then prompted with the message “device not compatible with this version” apparently if I didn’t have anything which was made by Apple then I couldn’t use this service…are you kidding me?

I thought I would try and have a cheeky go and putting in that my device was an apple ios device to see what happened, and funnily enough that actually does not work either, and so any mobile device cannot watch live TV through ITV player. Considering today’s technology and what we can do with our mobile devices, you would have thought ITV would have created their live streaming for mobile devices, but it seems they are missing out on this. However, it seems that most of the main stream channels are missing out on this. BBC only has their iPlayer which you can view programmes once they have ended and also the same can be said about 4od.

TV Catchup For Android Tales From The Droid Side : Trash TV Time.

However, there is one place that is taking full advantage of this and has live TV from all freeview channels, Catch up TV app. It’s quick and easy and from there you can watch whatever programme is on at that time.

This brings me onto the point of this. I’m new to Android and I thought (mistakenly) that it’s a lot like Apple stuff, you know where no matter what device I’m on, apps are apps and will install on my Android phone, seems this isn’t the case.

To be continued…

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