Siri, so close to being a dream come true for speech recognition fanatics like myself yet so far.  A times you are a technological marvel, recongising every sylable with ease.  At other times a frustrating mess of repeating the most basic of phrases before giving up and resorting to using my fingers.  With that being said, here’s some more advanced commands you might not be aware you can do with Siri.

Granted, speech to text dictation is getting better by leaps and bounds, and Apple’s Siri on iOS is one of the best implementations of the technology.

So you know you can say “comma” and oddly enough a comma will be placed.  Did you know you can also use other commands as well.

When dictating, say “All Caps” to capitalize all of the next word you dictate. So, “All Caps Happy Tuna” will type, HAPPY tuna.

“Caps,” will capitalize the first letter of the next word

“Upper Case” will capitalize the next character, which can be handy when spelling out acronyms. You can also just say “Caps On” to enable caps lock, and “Caps Off” to disable it.

“Numeral” and then the number, Siri will type the digit, rather than the spelled out letter. So, “Numeral five” will get you “5,” not “five.”

“New Paragraph,”  If you want a new paragraph, say

“New Line” inserts a new line very much akin to a web <br />

“No Space,” and Siri won’t stick a space between your last word and the next one you dictate. To wit, “hot No Space dog” will net you a “hotdog.”

“No Space On” to turn off spaces entirely, which is helpful when dictating a password made of typical words, for example. To turn that mode off, simply say, “No Space Off.” Done!

If you have any hints or tips for siri then please Yell Us!

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