iOS 7 has given a lot of people heartache. Errors such as iPhone cannot be synced. An unknown error occurred (-50) when syncing photos is among them.

So how do you copy Photos to your iPhone or iPad without the aid of iTunes. Alas there isn’t a free solution that I’ve found yet but hopefully this will point people in the right direction.

You’ll need a copy of iExplorer 3 to do the heavy lifting if your phone isn’t jail broken.

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Once installed it will detect your iPhone and give you a similar screen to this (Yes.. I know it’s windows 🙁 ) Drag and drop your photos and videos to this location.

iExplore 3 Photo photossqlite How To Copy Photos To your iPhone without iTunes

If you check on your iDevice you wont see them just yet but thats ok, theres one more step.

On the left hand side Select the PhotoData folder and in the right hand pane delete Photos.sqlite. If you have SSH access it’s better to rename the file to delete

Finally, do a hard reset (Hold power button and home button until the device turns off). If you try to access the Photo/Camera/Video apps before a hard reset then the apps will crash.

Once rebooted head into the camera roll and it will re generate the thumbnails after a small period of time.

If you have a better solution for transferring photos to your phone or iPad for free, please let us know.

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