Could Apple finally really have a practical use for liquid metal? It seems unlikely doesn’t it. Apple has had exclusive rights to use liquidmetal alloys and consumer electronics since 2010.

So far is had yeiled the pin that helps people pop the cards out of iOS devices and that’s been it, but it seems they aren’t at least considering more uses for the terminator style material.

The US patent and trademark office today granted Apple a series of 40 new patterns including one which describes various simple implementations and benefits of a liquid metal home button on iPhones and iPads.

There are a great many virtues to liquid metal being incredibly strong, they resist corrosion, lightweight and the malleable

Liquid medals high elasticity makes an ideal material for a pressure sensitive home button, that would deform slightly when pressed a return to its normal shape when you remove your finger or thumb.

Liquid metal would always retain the elasticity while other materials like titanium or stainless steel could become irreversibly deformed and adversely affect the home button

Sadly one is inclined to think patents…pah when it comes to liquid metal home buttons any time soon. There have been zero rumours and leaks about a new home button being made from Liquidmetal and we all know just how much Apple loves to patent things for the future, just in cast.

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