The wall street journal as publishing extracts from “Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs” that just happens to be curated from an ex WSJ reporter Yukari Kane. Haunted Empire is to be taken with a pinch of salt given WSJ’s manipulation of stocks and views to suite their agenda.

Author of “Haunted Empire, Apple After Steve Jobs“, Yukari Kane discusses what she‘s learned about Tim Cook, Apple‘s evolving relationship with its suppliers, and whether or not she believes Apple has lost it‘s way since Steve Jobs‘ death.

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WSJ Article

My own take on this is that Apple is an a healthy a state as it ever has been but that’s not stopped the masses still thinking “what would Steve do” even tho Steve Jobs himself said to do what Apple should do not what people think he would do.  Create your own empire in effect. There is your standard WSJ anti Apple bias so it’s to be taken with a pinch of salt.

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