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Essential Apple Podcast 273: Hell’s Teeth

This week Simon and Nick get back together to talk about a variety of stories that for a change aren’t all “sources familiar with the matter say”. Regardless of that they do of course manage to wander off the topics and into other matters…


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Essential Apple Podcast 272: Talking Apple Vision Pro with Carolina Milanesi

This week Simon was joined by special Guest Carolina Milanesi of Creative Strategies and The Heart of Tech. As one of the privileged few to have had hands on, nay, eyes on, experience of the Vision Pro – that is of course the main part of our conversation, but not all by any means…


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 272: Talking Apple Vision Pro with Carolina Milanesi

Essential Apple Podcast 271: Slim Pickings

This week Nick is busy so Simon is joined by Suffolk Pete and Steve from Geeks Corner to mull over the rather slim pickings in the news. Nevertheless we manage to find enough to chatter on about for a while so that’s a show!


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Essential Apple Podcast 270: Bits & Bobs

Simon and Nick return once again to chew over a few stories of the week that caught their attention… If you’re wondering about the show art it’s “Bits and Bobs” from the CBEEBIES TV children’s show (bits and bobs also being a UK term for an assortment of oddments).


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Essential Apple Podcast 268: Apple isn’t ignoring AI

Slightly shorter show this week, a combination of technical issues and lack of real stories, however Nick and Simon get together again to chew over the news that caught their eye regardless.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 268: Apple isn’t ignoring AI

Essential Apple Podcast 267: What a lot of idle chatter!

So after the zingy star studded relaunch it is back to normal service… Simon and Nick having a good old natter, sure there is some Apple related stuff in here, but a lot of it is just idle chatter! Make of that what you will listeners.


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Essential Apple Podcast 266: All New Essential Apple (same as the old one!)

So finally Simon gets his act together enough to relaunch the podcast (but not enough to get it out on time!!!) Anyway in a grand relaunch (okay, so we got a couple of guests on) Simon and Nick are joined by Guy Serle, and Jeff Gamet to do what they always do… Welcome back!


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 266: All New Essential Apple (same as the old one!)

Essential Apple Podcast Extra: A Long Lost Show

Just after Christmas Simon, Nick and Jim got together and recorded a show, but because life and reasons it never got released… So here it is in all of its “glory”! Sound quality isn’t as good as usual because a) Simon had just moved and wasn’t properly set up, and b) this was recovered from the backup recordings… also for the same reason there aren’t any proper show notes, they got overwritten months ago – apologies (though being months out of date I don’t suppose that matters too much!)


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Essential Apple Podcast 265: A late, late, late show…

Simon and Nick got together for a chat on what was a very, very, light news week and talked about a variety of stuff including the fact that Simon is on the move again (which of course accounts for the lateness of this show and the absence of any newer ones (as he is currently buried in boxes, and trying to arrange furniture etc., again!) We promise to try and get back on schedule as soon as possible. Sorry about that.


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 265: A late, late, late show…

Essential Apple Podcast 264: Apple’s Quarter

Well, we are back again and this time Nick and Simon discuss Apple’s quarterly results, some Lisa “family photos” taken by Bill Atkinson during the development of the Apple machine that launched 40 years ago, new HomePod reviews, ChatGPT, M1 vs M2, and as usual a selection of other stories from the week.


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Essential Apple Podcast 263: Apple Surprise!

Wow what a week, Apple went quietly mad and released new M2 Macs, full size HomePods and iOS 16.3! Simon and Nick chat about what it all meant – Mrs P bought a 50 inch 4K TV for just £229, but it cost Simon another £149 for an AppleTV 4K, she also bought an Apple Refurb iPhone 12 ProMax, and more stuff that caught our attention…


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Essential Apple Podcast 262: Back on the Tracks

After a year of turmoil and upheaval Simon is finally in a position to get back behind the microphone and get the podcast back on the tracks. In this episode Simon and Nick have a bit of a catch up and take a look at a few stories that caught their attention.


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How to Retrieve Deleted Photos on iPad: 7 Methods

A guest post from Laura Alexander

With the evolution of camera technology on digital devices, photos have become one of the most storage-consuming components. More often, we capture multiple copies of a single object, and it keeps eating up storage till you delete it permanently. However, there are times when you delete an image accidentally and want to restore it later.

Based on the device and the operating system you use, recovering deleted data, including images, takes consideration. You need to learn how to retrieve deleted photos on iPad or other digital devices and store them carefully. In this article, we will learn the ways to recover deleted photos on an iPad, whether you have deleted them accidentally or intentionally.

Continue reading → How to Retrieve Deleted Photos on iPad: 7 Methods

Essential Apple Podcast 261: Bugs, Glitches, & Technical Hitches

OK so the new toys have started to make their way into the hands of the reviewers and the public… and as always there are those who cant help but moan, occasionally with at least some reason I guess… Nick and Jim and Simon get together to chat over the stories that caught their eye…


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Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 261: Bugs, Glitches, & Technical Hitches