Roost a laptop stand that actually improves your posture. The roost looks are unique but this way for a reason, it looks this way as it’s highly functional and that does a pretty cool thing with your laptop and also is highly portable absolutely.

The Roost will put your laptop screen at 3 to 4 inches higher our other laptop stands and it it gets that top of the screen up to the ergonomically recommended height of eye level and so it did brings the screen up, it brings you up and your posture up. the roost laptop stand is fixing the problem with using laptops which is that screen is typically attached to the keyboard and you’re always going to be locked in that position, Roost is breaking that paradigm by bringing the screen up to eye level and then you bring a portable keyboard and mouse to put your hand down below and now you have an ergonomic workstation anywhere you go.
The laptop stand was invented is by “inventors name” who was in Coffey shops way too much pounding away at the laptop until his physical therapist told him to stop. It was on that point he started working on the idea of a portable laptop stand. a year and a half ago he started working on his idea and he’s had a successful visit to MacWorld 2014

One of the roosts unique points is that the laptop is actually hanging from two points underneath the screen which makes it very stable even though it’s hanging so high up. from the first look it seems to be incredibly secure and easy to detach at a moments notice. the stand itself is made from carbon fibre and Deloraine and comes in at a, non-backpack breaking, 6 ounces. there’s really not much to it and it folds away neatly and compactly which is the whole idea behind the product.

So with the breeze laptop stand, keyboard and mouse that your ergonomic workstation ready to go anywhere at a moments notice. with the mobility and freedom it allows people are actually starting to “get it” way before they suffer the aches and pains of prolonged times being hunched over a laptop or the dreaded RSI.

Physics and a laptop stand
Some physics are at work the this work were hooking underneath the screen and so he way the laptop has been suspended very very robust the point which is in physics you now have a pendulum whether hanging point is near the centre mass underneath so is a dynamically stable system meaning that always always going to self centre which makes it a inherent sleep more stable than a traditional laptop stands.
the standards seems to be very, very stable as it is made from carbon fibre and there really isn’t much stiffer than carbon five which also housed the benefits of being incredibly light and durable.

The roost laptop stand works with all MacBooks except for the 11 inch MacBook Air soda 13, 15, 17, the old styles and if you have any doubt about how much weight this laptop stands can take they’ve tested with 130 pounds of cinder blocks (that breeze blocks to us here in the UK) so as long as you don’t sit on your MacBook laptops you will be fine.

There’s been plenty of positive feedback from those using it in the garage worktops from those using in the kitchen to make sure their laptop is at a decent reading level with out having to hunch over all the time and of course there’s the added benefit of missing all the spills that may happen.

The roost laptop stand retells the $75 in black and $80 for the colour v versions which include pretty much the full spectrum of colours such as red green blue and other choices such as brushed aluminium .

The good news is that the roost laptop stand will be available in the UK shortly and they do ship overseas. Roost have been kind enough to send us a unit to review so check back shortly for our real world, hands-on review.

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