Spring is literally around the corner and that means the weathers warming up. That means there really is no excuse to get out running or on your bike for fitness sake.  Here’s a round up of some of the best Running apps for your Apple device.

Nike running

When I first started tracking my running this is the app that I first used. It’s very clean but it’s probably the most basic in terms of features but it also is probably the easiest to pick up and start using day one.

You can connect with a heart rate monitor if a touch more fiddly than with other applications.

Nike Running color codes your workout based on your speed and then allows you to record some other information about it. It’s a good app this is where all of your workouts from using the Nike GPS sport watch will be stored.

One note though is that if you start using Nike running it’s going to be hard to switch to another application because you cannot export directly any TCX or GPX files.

Run Keeper

A very popular running application it’s pretty awesome and got a great design.

for some great social features great charts and basically allows you to track more than just running you can track all sorts of different workouts but this is a great service I have noticed that it’s very difficult to work with the raw data so switching into and out of run keeper is kind of difficult and it also is a very expensive premium service that’s $10 a month which nobody does most likely and a $40 year option as well now run keeper is really trying to become your fitness coach wants be more than a mapping service and therefore it’s trying to sell you premium training plans and then connect you with actual personal trainers I really like run keeper but I would recommend a few applications over it.


or which I use for about two and half years and has a really strong following and basically it exists for runners and cyclists and that’s it it’s not bogged down by the need to monitor your other workouts and I think that he gets a lot of strength from that fact a lot of people really like this application now that you have a premium service is very expensive it’s $60 a year or six dollars a month but was really nice is that the free application is free and you get a lot from that service for paying Apsley nothing and it’s not even add subordinates with a very clean layout I used it for a long time and was very very happy I switched because I wanted an application that tracked more than just running and cycling but if you’re stick to those two regiments I think you’ll be very very happy straw that seems like a lot of people are really sold on child and it’s really great because it’s easy to import your workouts directly from different Garmin product straight into Strava great application some people find it slightly confusing but I just think that it’s a great option for absolutely zero

Map My Run

dollars now the application the use right now is not my run which is owned by Matt my fitness which is a subsidiary of under Armour as is and no Mondo and my fitness pal now the reason I switch here again is that I want an application they could track more than just running but for running this is in amazing application it’s pretty awesome there are basically three tiers for map my run.

There is the free app that’s ad supported then you have the prolapse that’s $2.99 and then you have the MVP service which is $30 a year and that gives you heart rate analysis, live tracking and a few other things.

The reason I really like Map My Run is that its got a great design, it has amazing social features and it connects with a lot of applications and devices directly. It’s a fantastic option for a lot of people out there.


Has a few different teirs. There’s the free application that’s ad supported then there’s the pro app at $5 and gold membership which is $20 a year.

Your best best is going to be the pro version for just $5 as a one time purchase you get a lot with Runtastic.

I;ve personally considered switching over to it because of  a very simple design. It doesn’t get bogged down with too many social features and it is very easy to use. You can also track other workouts other than running . You can track CrossFit and curling in cycling and all the other things.

Connecting heart rate monitors easy along with other sensors. For $5 Runtastic is going ot be the best application for the greatest number of people five dollars. you get a tonne of features in just a one-time charge.

Any of these apps are going to serve you well but if you are looking to commit to just one app then stick one of the top three offerings.

Hounourable mention to Vima Run which featured in Apple’s own editor picks for ‘Apps for Runners’ & ‘Best New Apps’

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