Our favorite service letting to allow the watching of USA based TV websites in the UK, such Hulu, Fox, NBC and more, has undergone a bit of an update. UnoTelly has re branded itself as more of a DNS service rather than a television watching portal.

The good news is as well that prices have come tumbling down with the gold-based account being a mere $7.95 per month for those not quite ready to take the plunge there is a try for free service which lets you have 3 days of gold access.  The full list of available channels is available here.

We reviewed UnoTelly back in June 2011 and it couldn’t fail to impress.  Unlike VPN-based solutions which always seem to be slow in our experience due to being overloaded, UnoTelly (UnoDNS) made full use of our bandwidth here in the office.

Although we only have a 5 MB connection this was more than sufficient for perfectly smooth program, stutter free streaming.

 How to Setup UnoTelly / UnoDNS

Its really a straight forward process of chaning your DNS settings on your system.  In this example we’ve used the office iPad.

1 Comment

  1. I have been using http://www.unotelly.com for a few months now and I’m impressed by their service. I have subscribed to the premium version and am very happy. Looks like they are constantly adding channels as well ! Good Luck.

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