This week Cassini made its final manoeuvre and crashed into Saturn ending its 13 year scientific mission, some muppets set off a bomb in the Parson’s Green Tube Station injuring 29 people (some of them children) but thankfully there were no fatalities and Apple held a small gathering at their new Steve Jobs Theatre to announce some new shiny toys.

Mark is off in Budapest enjoying a relaxing break from it all. So in his absence I am joined by Sherman Gossett (Commander Shroom) from Utah, Ruth (@CutieMelon321) and, at incredibly short notice, Guy Searle (@MacParrot) from the My Mac Show. We, of course, give our reactions to the Apple Event, and some other stuff – because, well, what else would we be doing on a podcast?

Recorded 17th September 2017

I am especially pleased to welcome Sherman to this episode because he is most definitely NOT an Apple fanboy – but he has a wealth of experience in the world of IT and we look forward to getting an “outsider’s” view on the Apple announcements.

And I am really sorry that in all the confusion, with Wire dropping people out all over the place, that I forgot to thank our Patreon subscribers… so “THANK YOU Patreon people, you really are lovely people!”

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This and other episodes are available at:

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On this week’s show:


  • Apple TV 4K
  • Apple Watch – to LTE or not?
  • The iPhones 8 and X
  • Face ID and that “fail”, Hairforce One himself talks about it to John Gruber – The Talk Show
  • Qi charging and Apple adopting an existing standard
  • 7 iOS settings to change right away – CNET


  • Bluetooth problem could let hackers take control of Apple, Samsung and Google devices – The Telegraph


  • BlueBorne Highlights the Risk of Airborne Security Attacks – DZone Security

This explains some more about BlueBorne – and I now realise there is more to it than just the obvious Andriod/iOS/Windows/Mac/Linux angle…

Although Google didn’t launch it’s actual website/search engine until September 27, 1998

Nemo’s Hardware Store (47:17)

I could only find the 6/6S version on for £29.99 GBP

Doesn’t seem to be available in the UK Amazon store.

Worth a Chirp

  • Grumpy Old Geeks – a look at “what went wrong on the internet this week and who is to blame” (and a lot more stuff too
  • The Cyberwire – a daily podcast on the threats out there in cyberspace – interesting if a little scary sometimes.

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And a HUGE thank you to the patrons who already do.

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