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Sorry there is no show this week.

Due to an unfortunate clash of prior commitments Mark and I couldn’t generate a workable slot to record… so unfortunately there is no show this week.
We should be back to normal next week when we will be joined by Vic Hudson of the Pragmatic, Bubblesort, and Pocket Sized Podcasts.


Essential Apple Podcast 83: From ZX81 to Ledgers…

This week… we have Mark Sealey the CEO of web development company MarkWorks. This is a man who has been involved with computers almost from the start – he’s written for the Financial Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and more. He’s been a contributor to MyMac, MacNN and ThinkSecret and been involved with RISC User, Archimedes World, Acorn Computing, Acorn User and MacFormat.
Remember you don’t need a special invite to join our Slack community any more, you can now just click on this instead!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 83: From ZX81 to Ledgers…

Essential Apple Podcast 82: A Basket of Easter Treats

With Mark still on his vacation/birthday bender, Simon is joined by Slackroom member Suffolk Pete to talk over some of the week’s Apple and Tech stories. Whilst it has mostly been about Apple and the Field Trip Event and the new iPad with Pencil support there have been some other stories too!
Apple put out a host of updates. Cloudflare introduced a new free public DNS service, Microsoft want to monitor your language, the US want to check your social history and Uncle Tim would welcome privacy legislation.
Also Slack finally introduced sharable links so you don’t have to get a personalised invitation anymore. Now you can just click on this instead!

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Essential Apple Podcast 81: Dr Andy Yen of Proton Technologies

As Mark is planning to take two weeks away to relax and enjoy his birthday we recorded this early in the week. Since then it’s all been about Facebook (and done to death by everyone else). With a view to presenting something different to everyone else this week, we are proud bring you an interview with Dr Andy Yen, CEO and founder of Proton Technologies – the company behind ProtonMail and ProtonVPN.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 81: Dr Andy Yen of Proton Technologies

Essential Apple Podcast 80: And Bob’s your uncle!

Mark is otherwise engaged this week, so Simon is joined by Bob Wood, My Mac reviewer and Tucson MUG member to talk over some of the week’s Apple and Tech stories including Apple’s Field Trip event announcement, the GrayKey iPhone unlocking tool, the Facebook data breach and the fact that cyber criminals don’t always keep their word!
Sorry my side of the audio is not great again, I unwittingly messed up my noisegate setting and as a result I am a bit hissy and clipped – Simon.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 80: And Bob’s your uncle!

Essential Apple Podcast 79: We talk to Bob ‘Dr Mac’ LeVitus

This week Android decided join Apple in adopting HEIF (which has to be good news for everyone). TunnelBear sadly got taken over by McAffee (who I did not know are half owned by Intel) and there is news of a forthcoming documentary on Apple’s spinoff General Magic that was a glorious failure!
To talk about this stuff and much much more we are joined by a huge Mac luminary… the most eminent, the incredibly prolific, the legendary Bob ‘Dr Mac’ LeVitus.
PLUS there is a special surprise offer from Dr Mac himself for listeners of this podcast to sign up for his “Working Smarter for Mac Users” courses with a 60% discount!

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 79: We talk to Bob ‘Dr Mac’ LeVitus

Essential Apple Podcast 78: Chicken Casserole & Social Media with Gazmaz

This week the tech news has mostly been all about the Mobile World Congress, and it wasn’t very exciting to be fair – mostly seemed like a lot of people copying the “notch” they all made so much fun of…
So for a bit of a different feel this week we are joined by the irrepressible and effervescent GazMaz from the MyMac show to take a look at the apparent “disturbance in the force” caused by the “sudden” arrival of Vero, the appearance of, and a couple of other upstarts wanting to take on the might of Twitter, Instagram, Snap and Facebook.
Sorry some of the sound isn’t as good as usual – we had some technical difficulties and went to Discord – but I don’t think all our settings were as good as they could have been.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 78: Chicken Casserole & Social Media with Gazmaz

Essential Apple Podcast 77: It’s About Privacy and Security

This week Essential Apple Slacker @Dougee (Andi J), digital forensics expert, joins us to talk about security, privacy, protecting yourself online, etc.
Also, of course, we take a look at the Apple and Tech stories of note from the last week or so, including Apple’s China iCloud dilemma, painful problems at Apple Campus and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 77: It’s About Privacy and Security

Essential Apple Podcast 76: In Conversation with Jeff Gamet of TMO

This week saw another deadly school shooting in the US and whilst we don’t want to dwell on that event we felt it appropriate to just mention our horror and sorrow at another senseless tragedy.
Meanwhile we are joined by the esteemed Jeff Gamet, Managing Editor at The Mac Observer and co-host of the Apple Context Machine Podcast to talk about the HomePod, “white-ring gate”, Twitter killing its Mac client and more.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 76: In Conversation with Jeff Gamet of TMO

Adobe Elements 85% of the Power, 15% of the Price

Essential Apple Podcast 75: 85% of the Power, 15% of the Price.

This week Elon sent the Falcon Heavy up to put his Tesla Roadster, with the spacesuited mannequin ‘Starman’ playing Bowie on the stereo, into an orbit around Mars and missed slightly, sending it out towards the Asteroid Belt instead. Meanwhile the flat earther “Mad” Mike Hughes failed to get his steam powered rocket to lift off (again).
MacUpdate served up crypto miner infected files and a flaw in the Hotspot Shield VPN can expose users’ locations.
That’s all fine and dandy but much more importantly we have a very special guest with us on the show this week. Bob Gager from Adobe joins us to talk about the Elements versions of Photoshop and Premiere. The no-subscription, home user, versions of two of Adobe’s big hitter professional applications.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 75: 85% of the Power, 15% of the Price.

Essential Apple Podcast 74: Essential Pocket Apple Sized Podcast?

This week Apple quietly emasculated macOS Server, removed Telegram from the App Store for a little bit and, allegedly, pushed back some new iOS features to focus more on reliability and performance. Meanwhile Open Source turned 20 years old, a Florida man gets a mind controlled robotic prosthetic arm and British MP Matt Hancock, Digital Secretary, has a social app that is a privacy horror.
To discuss all that and more Mark and I are joined by Scott Willsey of the Don’t Nihongo it Alone podcast, the Not Speeding in Reverse Podast and the recently revived Pocket Sized Podcast.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 74: Essential Pocket Apple Sized Podcast?

Essential Apple Podcast 73: Mark, Sick Man of Podcasting

Yes we are back– sorry about last week but a couple of domestic dramas got in the way at the last minute… and Mark really wasn’t feeling up to it unfortunately.
This week the EU fined Qualcomm 997 million euros, Apple previewed iOS 11.3 and released the first beta. The HomePod sort of sloped into the room in a not quite finished state and pre ordering started. High Sierra started getting a bit more aggressive over 32 bit apps and Burger King made an ad attempting to explain net neutrality.
Also; Mark is still the sick man of podcasting. So this week Simon is joined by one of Guy Serle’s co-conspirators on the ‘Mac to the Future GO!‘ videocast, Warren Sklar.

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 73: Mark, Sick Man of Podcasting

Essential Apple Podcast 72: Evil Geniuses and CES

This week Apple’s “Evil Geniuses” got called “jerks” by some guy at the FBI. Seems that, as we said, the App Economy isn’t dead. Reports say HomePod may not be too far away, and there are rumours iPhone 6 Plus replacement batteries might be in short supply.

Also of course CES brought us the usual crop of news stories from the interesting to the totally bizarre. We picked out some of the more intriguing ones while passing on the more mundane or obvious or the show would be 4 hours long!

And to chat about it all we have Bart Busschots from the Let’s Talk Podcasts another member of the MyMac Network

Continue reading → Essential Apple Podcast 72: Evil Geniuses and CES

ProtonMail and the Bridge

Although this sounds like a title for some science fiction book or movie, it is in fact a way to see your ProtonMail in mail clients such as Apple Mail.

A Review by James Ormiston

For those who don’t know ProtonMail is a secure, encrypted, open source, email service based in Switzerland and has a variety of free and paid options. It offers mobile apps and a web client for desktops.

Using iOS, it’s very simple to see emails sent and received via the ProtonMail app, but on macOS the only way, until now, was to use a web browser login page. This worked fine on the whole, but it wasn’t as convenient as with most other dedicated mail apps. Now, that has all changed with the release of the ProtonMail Bridge… with one small caveat.

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