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Siri Double Data Usage

Bloomberg : Apple’s Siri Feature Doubles IPhone Data Usage

According to a somewhat vauge report at Bloomberg, iPhone 4s phone users consume double the data of iPhone 4 users thanks, mainly, to Siri.

Network analyst Arieso claims that the voice navigation software could see users incur significantly higher bills, and mobile networks struggle with the volume of data being transmitted.

Arieso reached the conclusion after analysing the data usage of one million smartphone owners on an unnamed European network.

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12 Days Of Xmas From Apple

Apple 12 days of Christmas offerings

Apple are at it again with their festive period giveaways. You don’t need the app to download the free offering as we have provided the links here.

Day 1 : iTunes Track – Coldplay EP, iTunes festival London 3 songs & videos : iTunes Link
Day 2 : Video – Top Gear: The Middle East Special + The Trip: Hipping Hall : iTunes Link
Day 3 : iTunes Track – Lady Gaga – Marry the Night – single with video : iTunes Link
Day 4 : iBook – The Redbreast by Jo Nesbø : iTunes Link
Day 5 : Game – Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing : iTunes Link

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Siri vs TellMe video

Someone at Microsoft seemed to be upset this week when they said that the baked in TellMe app found on Windows 7 phones is just as, if not better than Siri.  So when we came across this video of Siri vs TellMe we had to share.  The results speak for themselves.

iPad 2 compared to Kindle Fire and Nook

Wall Street Journal Compares iPad 2 Against the Kindle Fire and The Nook

For me I find it incredibly interesting that tablet makers are going to the screen sizes that Apple decided against as they don’t give a “great user experience”. I don’t think anyone will argue that the 10″ screen sized arena is dominated by the iPad2.
Screen Shot 2011 11 17 at 09.04.56 Wall Street Journal Compares iPad 2 Against the Kindle Fire and The Nook

[pullquote_left]To be clear, the Kindle Fire is much less capable and versatile than the entry-level $499 iPad 2. It has a fraction of the apps, a smaller screen, much weaker battery life, a slower Web browser, half the internal storage and no cameras or microphone. It also has a rigid and somewhat frustrating user interface far less fluid than Apple’s.[/pullquote_left] Much like Apple carved the market out for themselves, Amazon is getting in on the act now with the Kindle fire but even with it’s $200 price point does price alone make this a better product?  The Wall Street Journal think not.  It’s an interesting device but why is no one wondering about the Silk browser potentially tracking your every moment.  Didn’t BT try this with “phorm” a while back?  Any ways take a look at the video for a top comparison.

Walt Mossberg gives a review where it doesn’t feel biased to want to hate the iPad but investigating technologies and see how it’s relevant against it’s competitor.  Why does everything that get’s released in the tablet world have to be an iPad killer?  Do reviewers not have the sense to compare Android against Android without giving the iPad a rib?

I suppose it’s part of the pc legacy where numbers and speed is what it’s all about rather than the experience and integration.

iPhone 4s Battery Problems Caused By Software?

Take 2 iPhones from the same network, running the same iOS version put them side by side and see what the difference is in the battery life to see if the battery drain problem can be fixed.  That’s what the chaps at ZDnet have tried to do.

Oddly 1 phone was fine whilst the other had the battery drain problem.  So what happens if you backup the iPhone with the battery problem and restore it onto iPhone 2, the one without the battery problem.  Interestingly the battery drain problem appears on the the phone with the restored iPhone 1 software on it.  In effect the bug has made the jump from one phone to another.

What ZDnet didn’t say was if iPhone 1 (with the issue) didn’t have the issue when having the reverse applied (restoring iPhone 2 without the bug issue to iPhone 1)

So it’s good news on one front it;s a software issue NOT a hardware issue, well at least in this case.

Apple’s Card App Compared To Hallmark and Others

Just recently I tried the Apple Card App (letter press) to send a last minute card to the other half. Along the way I found out that postage times are 5 – 15 working days and there’s no tracking or even an e-mail to say it’s on the way. You do get an invoice near to when it’s being delivered but still, like a lot of things Apple, it’s missing a few features but we still use it.
Apple Card Vs Hallmark Apples Card App Compared To Hallmark and Others

Well after a bit of waiting the card arrived and it’s not too bad if a little small. The card quality is very high and comes embossed not just cheap style printing on paper. Speaking of which the paper is high quality rag paper. Thankfully the other half knows what a gadget geek I am and with the added bonus she appreciated the nerdy way of going from iPhone to door. Even though I was (or Apple was) late getting the card, she was very impressed.

Continue reading → Apple’s Card App Compared To Hallmark and Others