In what can only be described as the torrent version of NetFlix the ever popular Popcorn Time and has now been blocked in the UK. It turns out that the UK courts have been involved at the Hollywood movie studios challenged the service’s legitimacy (no surprise there) of distributing paid content for free.

Popcorn Time has been an immensely popular application allowing you to stream the latest movies directly to your iOS device. The interface is clean and it takes full advantage of any Wi-Fi connection letting you either stream video to your device or actually download it for viewing later on.

Popcorn Time is a really well fleshed out application as a even support airplay letting you watch whatever you’ve downloaded on your device right on your Apple TV.

Just recently some of the comments on our site indicated that popcorn time was no longer available for download in the UK App Store or indeed available for download directly from the site. See how to Install PopcornTime Without Jailbreaking for details.

This is down to the High Court in the UK which along with five of the U.K.’s biggest Internet service providers BT, Sky, TalkTalk, EE and Virgin Media clamping down on popcorn time by blocking downloads of the service.

It’s worth mentioning that all of the Internet service providers that have lodged an objection good sleep

All of the service providers involved in the High Court case have a vested interest in blocking popcorn time as they all offer pay-per-view or video streaming on demand services.


It’s not entirely sure how they did this if they did something in relation to port blocking or deep packet inspection but given that the workaround was incredibly simple by using a service like UnoTelly or HideIPVPN as an example this was always going to be just a stopgap.

There is however some good news providing they already have a version of the application installed on your device. You can already continue to stream and download movies with no problems at all since it relies on the torrents distribution network.

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