Page 113 of 115 joins google+

Yup, we followed the herd to see what the google+ thing was all about.  Just like Google Wave we are here tinkering and playing with the system.

Being the type of people we are, we would like to share the love and giving away google plus invites.  Simply Yell Us! and we will send an invite.

Mac OS X lion Installation Screen Shots (Golden Master: 11A511)

Sunday afternoon, the sun is blazing, so what better things to do than install Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (GM 11A511).

No mucking around testing if things will work with our apps for us.  Nope sir -e- bob.  We are going live with this puppy!


We now have a guide on How To Install Lion From A usb Stick or DVD Drive live.  After using this for a fornight the jury is still out.  Whilst there are a lot of positives there does seem to be a lot of hard drive spinning.

It looks like we will be doing a format and re install to see if that solves some issues.

Mophie juice pack air iPhone battery gets snappy.

mophi pack Mophie juice pack air iPhone battery gets snappy.


Mophie recently announced the availability of a new design for their highly popular and useful juice pack air battery extender for iPhone 4. The Mophie juice pack air snap case (US$79.95) is available at Apple Stores and other retailers, and while it still offers virtually double the battery capacity of the stock iPhone 4, the new design makes it easier to access all of the switches and ports of the smartphone.

Continue reading → Mophie juice pack air iPhone battery gets snappy.

MailTab Broken Due To Gmail Update

Mailtab Not Working 173x300 MailTab Broken Due To Gmail UpdateIt seems that the Gmail update for the iPhone has had some unexpected repercussions, breaking the Mailtab Desktop client.

Oddly enough, the application still plays a notification noise when mail is received.

It’s not the first time that Mailtab has faced this issue BUT and I have to stress BUT they are normally very quick to find a solution for this program.

As always we will keep you updated.

Well we sent Mailtab an e-mail and got an immediate reply.

This is an issue with Gmail’s abuse systems. We are working with google to get a solution in place soon.


Update 2  – 1st July

Seems the fixing fairies have done their job well and it’s now back up and running.  Although it looked broken it seems that clicking the Home Tab at the bottom right of the app refreshed “stuff” and we’re back!

Creating websites quickly on your iphone

Easy Website Creator Zapd 1.4 now available

zapd Easy Website Creator Zapd 1.4 now available
Creating websites quickly on your iphone

Simplicity can be the key at times with putting images on a website and this is where Zapd comes into it;s own.

V1.4 has just been released with the following updates

– Custom URLs are here!! Want to personalize your web address? You can do it now! Under Settings, choose a URL that you want and now you’ve made a custom website right from your phone!

– Option to make individual Zaps “private”. When you mark a Zap as private, it won’t show up in our showcase and only people whom you give the URL to will know about it. A great way to share personal events with a select group!

We have our own sample page here if you want to see a quick and dirty example of what can be done.


How to check your apps will work with Lion

“To see a list of all the applications on your Mac that will go phutt when you upgrade to Lion, hold down the Option key, click on the Apple menu, and select System Profiler.

In the window that appears, select the Applications entry, which appears under the Software heading.

Click on the Kind column to sort your applications by kind (meaning Classic, Intel, PowerPC, and Universal).

Seek out any that read Classic or PowerPC.

These are the applications that will be incompatible with Lion. (Those Classic applications are also incompatible with Snow Leopard.)”

Another way to do this is to run Xslimmer and let it check what architecture you are presently running. If it doesn’t say Intel then it wont.

Gevey SIM unlock wont work with IOS5

Unlocking your iPhone has just become that little bit harder with reports we’ve read today about the new iOS 5 beta 2.

We really liked the Gevey Sim unlock and we were all up for looking at the Gevey Ultra sim unlock however,

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev-Team confirmed in a tweet on Friday that Apple has killed the hack, suggesting it may have been underpressure from carriers:

“it’s surprising Apple closed Gevey interposer hole in b2 rather than waiting until final (maybe they were under pressure)”

This means the Gevey SIM unlock will now only work for iOS 5 beta 1 and below, until Applenberry — the team behind the device — update it to work with the final iOS 5 release. If, of course, that’s possible.

In the meantime, then, the only hope for unlockers is software unlocks that will require your device to be jailbroken. The downside to that is that there is currently no untethered jailbreak solution for devices running iOS 5.

Duke Nukem Forever Coming To Mac Soon

DNF GA BAN L3 Duke Nukem Forever Coming To Mac Soon

Aspyr Media has posted on its blog that it will be bringing the long-awaited Duke Nukem sequel, titled Duke Nukem Forever, to the Mac. Known for its legendary development period, the game finally arrived on PC and consoles recently, and unfortunately, it didn’t turn out very well, earning generally mediocre reviews across the board

Still, this is worth adding to your games collection as a sequel has already been announced. This is another sign that the mac is gaining traction as an alternative games platform.

Aspyr’s version will be out in August, and it’s offering a 10% discount on pre-orders right now. I can’t promise it’ll be any good, but if you want to at least see what the final version of Duke Nukem Forever looks like running on your Mac, there you go.

There’s still no word of any version of the game coming to iOS — we had spotted the App Store mentioned in that legal agreement a while back, but for all we know, that could just have been for the soundboard released recently. After the reviews on DNF, it’s hard to think the Duke franchise will recover, but you never know — if some enterprising developer wants to make a top-down dual-stick Duke shooter for Apple’s mobile devices, we can’t say we’d be adverse to the prospect.

How To Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS

Another small How Do I? Goodness that came about from my own need of knowing this information.  If you ever wondered How do I do a desktop grab without using Grab or Imagewell, here’s how we do it.
Taskbar How To Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS
Why do it this way?  In our Radium article we needed to capture something form teh Mac menuBar.  Of course every time we clicked off it we lost the shot we wanted.  This is a nice work around for that.
Radium Sitting In The Menu Bar

Review : Radium, a slim, menu bar based internet radio player

Taskbar Review : Radium, a slim, menu bar based internet radio playerNo doubt like most I like some music in the background whilst I go about my daily business. This means I normally resort to firing of iTunes and selecting a radio station from there but it seems just a little bit big and cumbersome to have such a huge program lying in the background doing not a lot.

Enter Radium, which I confess I only recently found out about in the Freelance Mac App Bundle we are doing on our main front-page so I decided to give it a go

Continue reading → Review : Radium, a slim, menu bar based internet radio player